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??? POV

Where am i?

What is this place?

Who.... am i?

Why is this place so....... dark?

The only thing i remember is..... a voice....

A voice from...... who?

I don't remember.....


What's that..... light?

The light is getting closer to me.

When i finally reach the light, i see a woman... a older i think.

???: "Ckngyatuleion nan, yth e yoe!"

What is she saying?

???: " kon ouy gevy ke e bebo?"

What are they talking about....

My gaze change to a woman. A beautiful woman with a golden hair and ocean blue eyes.

???: "Ky bebo...... ky jensume bebo...."

What.... does she mean by that?

???: "Jtom pon un, ouyt kmen js...... Hachigo."


That word.... Hachigo?

Why do i feel like i have heard it somewhere?

Oh yeah, that's right.

I was given that name before i arrived here from that boy.

The owner of the voice that i remember.

Now, i remember everything.

They was there.

They took my role from me.

They took my place.

They stole my existence.

They stole the boy from me.






Where is that boy now?

How is he?

Is he okay?

I want to meet that boy.

I want to hear his voice again.

I want to be by his side again.

I need him now.






Have to search him.

I will search for him.

He is important for me.

He is special for me.

He is the one giving me that name first.





Is everything for me.

Even if that means i can't with him, as long as i can watch him, as long as i can see him from a far, i'm ok with everything.

Villain To Protagonist | NEED TO BE REWRITE! | First VersionWhere stories live. Discover now