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*panting * why am I running? *still panting* what happened last night?  *stop panting * why did I run? let's start from the beginning shall we.

Hi, I'm Lily Clark and I'm what you call your typical everyday 15 year old school girl (not the popular girl nor the geek girl) just the normal girl, except I do go out with the captain of the football team Ben Connors. Well we've been dating for quite some time but recently he's been very occupied lately and its definitely not because of football because I asked his mates nor is it home problems or his mum would of texted me so I'm having slight thoughts of what you call cheating in my head, but because of how much time we've been together I'm just going to trust that its nothing important.

Anyway, back to what is important. My life and who's in it. So I have a  mum, dad and a big sister. I even have two lovely dog but one of the dogs in particular is my favourite and that's my baby girl Andi (short for Andria). I love to sing and dance and draw, so you can basically call me a artistic person because that's what most of my friends call me. 

I live in a town called Raundsshore and the reason we got this name is because this town is known for its historic significance and in this town is my big house which people some times mistaken for a twin house (ha please) but its not as big as a mansion I can assure you that. 

The place I go to for school is massive like if you saw it you would be amazed and this school is called Hillview Charter School. I know, what a weird name to call a school. In my school, I am top  student in art, English, music, and history. In all my other subjects I'm pretty much crap at it. But even though I'm the top student in my classes I'm also the late student. But that's only because of the time my parents leave to drop me off, but I do make up for my tardiness by getting good grades. That's why in some subjects I'm the top student. I guess that's why people call me the brains and Ben the brawn of our couple due. 

For my final person who is important to me is my best friend/cousin Liv. she has been my biggest supporter from when I first done a talent show in year one to now with getting ready for the last year talent show. You can also say that she's my rock, but most importantly she is like my sister because when my parents are of on a business trip or my sister is of to college she looks after me and no she is not my age but she is older than me (she is 28) and honestly I couldn't ask for anything and what's even better knews, she is pregnant and excepting a baby, January something  next year and I am so excited.

so I think now I have you all caught up on who I am and what I'm like so lets get to reading this book.

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