2~ Doorstep

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"I just don't think I can do this anymore," The pink hair girl said. "We can still be friends," She gave a soft smile.

She said, Standing up from Kai's large and second living room.

"Vanassa.." Kai tried speaking, but he knew it was no hope. Tears brimmed his eyes, and he watched the girl pick up her things and walk out.

Kai felt like he was frozen, but he knew it wasn't forever. Kai walked out, hoping to get out his tears, he walked. Kai walked for a while and ended up in Mira's neighborhood. He knocked on the door, but then noticed a note.

Dear anyone, well will be gone for a while


Kai just learned and remembered that Mira's family has a family vacation. He couldn't think straight or right, so he decided to sit on Mira's step. Kai moved his feet to tap, trying to think about what to do next. He was so lost in thought and was startled when he heard a door close. It was from across the street. Kai wondered why a computer person would be out at such a weird time. The figure stops at the door to tie their shoes. Kai stares at the person for a while.

They jogged in a pattern, up and down. After a while of running, the person stopped, finally noticing Kai.

"Mira?" The voice called to the doorstop. And Kai recognized the sound in seconds, it was Adam.

"No, uh. It's Kai," Kai called back. He was watching Adam walk over to where Kai sat.

"You okay?" Adam said. Kai didn't say anything but instead burst back into tears. Adam quickly sat down next to him and hugged him.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. What happened?" Adam asked.

"She broke up with me," Kai sobbed out. Adam kept hugging Kai as he cried.

"I just don't know what I could have done." Kai ranted to the taller boy for a while, before running out of breathing and sleeping in Adam's arms.

A little while after Kai's asleep, Adam's picks him up. Knowing his house isn't fair, and he shouldn't leave Kai asleep on cement. So, Adam carries the smaller boy to his room. And before placing him on his bed, he plants a kiss on Kai's forehead.

Kai opens his eye to the morning sun. He looks around, clearly confused. Kai rubs his burning eyes, and see's Adam's gay flag. Now knowing who's room, he's in at the moment. He spots Adam asleep in a chair across the room. Kai was still very disoriented.  

"A-adam" Kai called out, walking over to Adam. 

"Huh?" Adam's eyes opened, and he fell out of the chair. Kai giggled while going to help Adam up.

"Well, I see your doing better." Adam smiled at Kai. Adam took a hold of Kai's wrist to walk him downstate. Where his mother was, on time, making breakfast. Adam's mom looks at the two boys rather happy and surprised.

"Oh! Did you guys-" Adam's mom squealed but then was interrupted by Adam turning a dark red and waving his hands. 

"No, no we didn't mom" Kai laughed as Adam panicked. 

Kai stayed over a couple more nights, always ranting to where did he go wrong. He had cried with Adam for a week before he got better.  Soon he was okay, even though he never talked about it. So a few months later, Kai is cleaning and he finds a picture of him and his ex. Kai begins to cry and knows he should go to Adam.  And so Kai finds himself right back at Adam's house. 

"Adam, are you up?" Kai said, knocking on his window. After a few tries, Adam answers, and Kai gets in his room.  And when Adam realizes Kai is crying, Adam puts Kai in his arms, hoping to calm him down.  

" I don't get why I wasn't enough!" Kai sobs into Adams's shoulder. Adam listens for hours is seems, and Kai seems asleep. So Adam places a kiss on Kai's forever.

"I love you," Adam says. 

"I love you too," Kai yawns.

"Really?" Adam quickly asks.

"Yeah," Kai said. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Adam asks.

"Because I don't think you would wanna be with someone like me," Kai rubs his eyes, looking at Adam. Adam then re kisses Kai's forever.

" I love you either way," Adam said. 

"I love you too" Kai then slowly fell asleep in Adam's arms.

(My writing style changes like 5 times so I'm sorry, also happy pride. I'm bi myself. Take care!)

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