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Rey's trance was suddenly snapped from consciousness. "Our inauguration," she breathed, impossibly flabbergasted for what felt the fiftieth time that day, "when will it take place?"
"This week," General Hydrus replied, "we have already alerted our citizens--as you saw many of them when arriving."
"So, everyone on Coruscant knows about us?" Ben asked.
Hydrus nodded, tendrils seemingly nodding along with him. "Well, we can't confirm that everyone has heard, but we have broadcasted it nationally."
Rey glanced down at her hands, nonplussed at the doubt she suddenly discerned. "What about oppositions and uprisings? I'm sure not everyone on Coruscant--and the galaxy--supports the Resistance, let alone its new rulers."

A spark of understanding flickered in Hydrus' blue eyes. "I understand, and we may never know that until there are said 'uprisings'. Though fortunately, the Empire has no authority to dictate to our galaxy anymore, nor does the First Order. We are the new reign, the new dominance--our light has already blunted the darkness."
Ben, who had sensed Rey's doubt almost as his own, nudged her lightly. "The General is right. This is our time."
Rey nodded, musing back to General Organa and all the insight Leia had given, teaching her never to falter one's hope, never to doubt the Force.

Something suddenly raged inside Rey's heart, pumping through her veins like a surge of prosperity; a reminder that her Force-revelation was triumphant, and would continue to be. She glanced at the Mikkian general who had been patiently waiting, considering the thoughts she was internally weighing. "I agree with you, General. Thank you."
Hydrus' yellow tendrils twirled in a satisfied manner as they floated airily, several centimeters in length. "Certainly. Now, this world has been desiring leadership from someone fair enough to oversee it, yet strong enough to guard it. And the Force has predestined you two very special candidates. After your inauguration, we will resume our constitutional Apprentice Legislature by appointing those from every planet as senators and dignitaries."

Ben nodded, silently enthralled in the matters. Hydrus continued on, "At the end of this week, in approximately five days, not including this night, you will become the sovereign rulers of the galaxy; an emperor--" Hydrus gestured at Rey with the palm of his hand --"and an empress."
Rey felt the wind nearly knocked from her lungs at such a boldly, intimidating sentence. It was frightening, but in the most desirable way.

Finn's eyes were wide with unbelieving surprise at the explanation of Ben and Rey's anon inauguration. "Five days--come on," he snorted, "this is unbelievable."
"Wonderful," Rose exclaimed, grabbing Rey's arm in a tight grasp. "I'm so happy for you two!"
BB-8 whirled ecstatically, craning his domed head to gaze at Rey, and even Ben, who he was slowly adjusting to, not quite able to fully comprehend Ben's redemption completely.
"It is, isn't it, Bebe-Eight." Rey looked down on her little companion. He buzzed mechanically in reply, and Rey chuckled, reaching to stroke his dome.

Poe, who had remained silent, absorbing every last drop of the news, faced Ben and Rey straight on, locking his eyes with theirs. A palpable, yet cool, expression of excitement laced his face. "I'm proud of you two. And as your humble general, I expect you'll make me a senator?"
Ben chuckled, a deep vibration in his throat. "We'll see about that, Dameron."
Poe cocked his head to the side, squinting his eyes. He punched Ben in the shoulder, more brotherly than hostile. "'We'll see'?"
Ben's face showed the hint of a smirk as he said: "No promises." 

Ben and Rey had been escorted to their own 'courtly suite', as General Hydrus referred to it, after spending time with their friends--who had been on a tour around the palace when they all ran into each other, full of eagerness and splendid news to tell one another. The hundreds of Resistance members were getting shown around and situated in the palace. All seemed well, more than well; The best we've seen it, Rey thought. 
She felt that every minute was a second, and every hour was a minute. The sensational day seemed to have been diluted to a fast blur, eaten up by pure wonderment and adrenaline. Still, the conception of becoming rulers to this bustling, innovated world felt so surreally sublime it nearly hurt her brain to apprehend it.

A jeweled servant droid buzzed past Rey as she stepped onto the balcony beside Ben. Apparently they owned droids now; she never had a housekeeping droid, and it felt almost silly. I suppose that's royalty, Rey thought. 
Their allocated penthouse, hanging at a dizzying height atop the highest peak of the palace tower, had a beautifully rich velvet interior. Extravagant rhinestone-embedded chandeliers hung delicately in each gigantic, high-ceilinged room.
"Isn't this just insane . . ." the only extravagance Rey had known was her ravaged speeder in Jakku--literally nothing in comparison to this. "I can't believe it."

Ben was captivated by the air traffic all around, the abundant cities, and skyscrapers that surpassed the clouds. It was magnificent, and he agreed all the same. "I'm so glad I'm experiencing this with you, right here, by my side."
"I am, too, Ben." Rey rested her head against his firm arm. It was bare, and her lose hair pleasantly tickled his skin. He turned his eyes from the lit airways and faced Rey, drawing her face against the width of his chest. How utterly insane had it been that many days ago he was a ghost, and now she was feeling his warmth against her cheek, his real heartbeat thumping inside his chest. The emotions stirring inside of him, along with her own, beckoning passion and touch. Rey stared at the expanse of his chest, eyes twinkling with something more than just love. Ben felt that craving all the same. "Let's explore this place--make some memories."

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