together forever.

Mulai dari awal

But i wouldnt really worry about it. "Come and meet our fans" Sam said getting up then grabbing his hand pulling him so the Camera would see him "hah..uh...hey-" he said a bit nervous as Sam just laughed a bit "so.. what is this about?" Jack asked looking at camera then back at Sam and I. His cheeks were light pink from how embarrassed or nervous he was. "It's a video, about us talking about why we dissapered."

Jack nodded "cool" he said looking around for his skateboard. "okay then. I'm going outside" Jack said as he goes towards his skateboard and grabs it. He comes towards the camera and waves it as an goodbye then goes outside then starts skateboarding. Sam and I looked back at the camera "so yeah that's the child that we adopted." Sam said with a small smile as I nod "we will be doing more video. and We're moving to another trap house! Yay.. the mansion will be a bit more big because of Jack moving in and Tara Yummy! If you guys wanna check out her channel you can it will be in the link below. thanks you guys for watching this video make sure to like the video and yeah.. adios" they both blew a kiss to the camera like we always do and turned off the camera.

Sam looked at me and smiled "hey uhh. we can ask Reggie to edit the video.. and maybe you and me can go up stairs? to my room?" Sam said with a horrible wink as I giggled and nodded "yeah we can do that" we both giggled and went up stairs.

Tara p.o.v

I had all of my stuff on my car and drove to the trap house I left all of my stuff since in a couple of days we were moving to the other trap house. I got out of the car and saw Jack laying down on the dirty ground even tho he seemed like he didn't care he was looking up the sky. He seem pale. More than usual. I walked towards him putting my phone inside my back pocket .

As I sit down next to him and boop his nose "hey you okay?" I asked as he opened his eyes then slowly sat down pulling his legs to his chest and nodding "yeah I'm fine.." he looked down then looked at me and smiled. We heard a phone ringing as it was Jacks phone. "I'll go get your phone you go inside and change ya clothes because the floor is dirty." I said as laughed and nodded "pfft okay" he said getting up and going inside.

I get up and grabbed his phone and answered it "hey Jack is not available right now can you call him later?" I said waiting for the response 'you must be Jacks friend just tell him that we have the other drugs he wanted' "wait what? drugs?" 'yeah the drugs.' "yeah..okay. I'll call later! thank you.." 'yeah no problem' the dude hangs up as I put jacks phone on my other back pocket.

I speed walk upstairs and go to Jacks room and close the door then lock it "Jack!" I said whispering loudly "uh yeah?" He said looking confused sitting down on his chair that had small wheels. "why are you doing drugs?!" He seemed surprised as he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head "their uh.. not mine! I uh... their for someone else.." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand pulling him up then sitting him on the bed as I sit next to him "lock eyes with me and tell me  you are telling me the truth" he looked at my eyes then stayed quiet "I knew it your lying Jacky" Jack looks down I get up then walk to Sam room I opened the door.

And saw Sam and Colby on bed together they had their shirt off as I clear my throat "uhh.." they both looking me then they start giggling "wh.. what were you guys doing?-" I asked as they look at eachother then back me.

"we uh. so what's up?" Sam asked as I sighed "I need to tell you something about Jack" they both look at me worried as I feel someone grabbing my hand as it was Jack "no! everything is alright!" He says looking at Sam and Colby then back at me "but jack-" I said as I got cut off by him shaking his head. I sighed then look at Sam and Colby "never mind.. keep having your fun" I said winking at both of them "iTs nOt wHaT iT lOoKs lIke" Colby says as I giggled then close the door.

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