Chapter 3-Reunion and awakening

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They watched as the war host butchered their preys, armors and weapons dripping with fresh blood from carving chunks of flesh and piling them up to wagons pulled by great beasts of burden. There couldn't be more than a hundred and fifty, joined by a few dozens more from several auxiliary cohorts, yet they have taken on what seemed for Quang and the refugees to be several thousands of their preys. Without loosing even one soldier.

- Hey uh...are you going that?

The old chief looked up, staring directly at the curious and impatient faces of several elven warriors, all of whom have hair the color of raven feathers, yet eyes of various shades of purple and violet. They've discarded their heavier armaments for the evening resting, too heavy to move swiftly in the coolness of the night, too heavy for them to enjoy their bloodlust to the fullest. Those eyes looked so similar to Haru's gentle gems, yet these warriors, these...elves, the old chief could see only malice, wild and untamed, violence and conflict, in those eyes he saw only beasts. Quang took a step to the side, allowing the dark elves, all four of them, to descend onto the freshly slain goatman, dragging its broken and mutilated body toward the blazing pyre to be devoured, cooked or otherwise.

- Yea...sorry about that. - Ginji approached, scratching his head with one bloodied hand. - They're all new bloods, eager to fight but a bit lacking when it comes to manners.

- And what about those that bear your mark? - Quang narrowed his eye at the blond. - I've never seen such savagery from warriors so small.

The smaller male tilted his head, eyes glued to the old human's own, as if applaud by the audacity. A smile spread across his childish face, his face wrinkled with humor and glee as he chuckles, his entire petite frame trembling. There was a sense of unease as the chuckling continues, the old chieftain realized, the boy was chuckling, but he was anything but amused. A single tear trickled out of Ginji's closed left eye as he slowly regains his composure, though whether it was from the chuckling or some other reasons, Quang did not know.

- You should return to your camp. - The prefect wiped the lonely tear from his face. - You human don't fair very well in this kind of cold, especially when there's a flash freeze coming.

- And what about you? - The chieftain scoffed a reply. - If you and that boy share some blood, wouldn't you and your war band freeze to death as well?

- Believe me. - Ginji snickered. - Even the youngest of the new bloods have faced far worse than anything this mud ball could throw at us. Now leave me, I have works to do, and things to plan for.

Before the chieftain could open his mouth, the elf has already put several more steps between them, flanked on either sides by his companions in blue light armors. Once again, Quang sensed that he was being watched, and contrary to his expectation, the knowledge of his watchers' identities didn't relief him of stress at all. Still, it has granted some respites, knowing that they'd have the prefect's protection, for now. With a heavy sigh, the old chief stood up, dragging one foot after another back to camp, his mind pondered about what to tell the others about their discussion, fearing how they would react. The elf has told him that they're to march to the last of the elven outposts tomorrow morning, a ten miles trek without rest across the tundra to gather supplies and the remaining soldiers. Something was scaring them away from these lands, and Quang didn't want to think about what could have spook entire armies of them, if a "hunting party", as Ginji's put it, is this formidable.

Human, even the sturdiest ones, are a bunch of superstitious and idiotic lots, the old chief recalled his old friend Quetz has told him many decades ago, as he got closer and closer to the camp of his fellow human. He could smell it before he could hear it, and he could hear it before he could see it, just a few more steps and the chief was overwhelmed by the familiarity of his kinds, along with the orderly chaos that usually accompanies them. Maybe it was because of the eerie silence of the elves and their allies when darkness comes, but Quang was relieved, hearing the loud, unmistakable sounds of human, both young and old, chattering, singing and discussing like they usually did back in the village. They have regained some resemblances of the peaceful atmosphere, fear still lingered amongst their hushed discussions, but at least they're at ease, knowing they'll be safe tonight.

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