Music blared from the room. I chuckled slightly. Typical Davis. Davis was a friend of mine from elementary school. We had lost contact and just recently connected once again. Davis is known as the youngest and best hacker in the whole world. It's no surprise to me really. In elementary school, Davis was always on his computer even at recess. He even taught me the basics in hacking. I opened the door and walked in. I walked over to the speaker and plugged it out.

"What the-"

"Hello my charming prince." I said smiling.

"Would you stop calling me that?" He grumbled.

I chuckled a bit. Davis was known as the charming prince. Why? Because he had looks to kill. In reality, he did look like prince charming. And I wasn't joking. Don't worry, he's straight. But unfortunately, he wasn't on the market. And not because he was taken, well he kinda was. He had a fiance who disappeared on him. He's my age but his marriage was arranged. His fiance and him have been childhood friends. It was no surprise that he fell for her. I think without the marriage, he would have still asked her out.

I sat down facing him. He sighed and brought up his laptop turning it partway so I could see.

"I couldn't find much on her. Well on the surface. But there is something I did find. Paris may not be such a good girl after all." He said. I looked at the file and my eyes widened.

"Are you sure of this?" I asked looking up at him.

"I swear it on my looks." He said and smirked.

I smiled. No need in doubting him then. Well Paris, seems like I'm not the only one with secrets aren't I?


I fixed my shirt. For some reason I was nervous. I was dressed in a blue jeans pants with a white shirt. Cole ran up to me. I smiled at his approaching figure. Cole was treating me to dinner. I needed to talk to him anyways. Two weeks have passed since I saw him with Paris. I was insanely jealous of the way she held on to him even though I shouldn't have been. My heart clenched. I haven't answered Cole's question as yet. And I didn't know if I could.

For the first in my life, I was afraid to give my all. He deserved it. But I was still afraid of my past. It could damage everything. I could damage everything. Common sense was to tell him before agreeing to this, but I didn't know how. And I didn't want to risk losing him. I sighed internally. If I can just have a few months would him, it would be enough. After that, I'll tell him and when he walks away, I won't stop him.


I sighed. I was putting a bigger risk on my relationship with him. I shouldn't wait so long. I sighed. If he finds out and tries to play hero, he might get killed. What was I going to do? I was so confused. How do you tell someone the worst moments in your life that almost got you and your family killed and still expect them to stay? And I know I said I would just not tell him, but it was killing me not to.

"I'm glad you came." Cole said. I pushed back the thoughts to the back of my head and smiled.

"I did promise you I would come." I said. Cole smiled and took my hand.

"Let's go inside."

I nodded and walked inside with him still holding on to my hand. My face heated up. Our hands were intertwined. I originally thought he was just leading me in the restaurant but even when we were seated, he still intertwined our fingers. I was pretty sure I looked like a tomato especially since my complexion was pale. Cole chuckled.

"You aren't used to this?" He asked.

"Being honest, no. I never really went on any dates with Jason. He's the only guy I actually dated. Others were flings. So I'm not used to anything." I said looking down a bit embarrassed.

"Well I'm glad I'm your first." He said smiling.

Now that I look back, maybe I wasn't in love with Jason. Being in love and loving someone is very different. So maybe I only loved him because of how he distracted me most times. Jason wouldn't hold my hand like Cole is but instead, he would sling his arm over my shoulder. He wasn't much for PDA and I didn't mind either since I didn't need people knowing my business. But with Cole, everything was different. I didn't care who was looking if we kissed. I liked when he held my hand. I liked when he would call, just to hear my voice. He made me feel wanted. He made me feel like I deserved to be happy. He made me feel like sexual release wasn't the only thing I could do. I smiled as he talked about what happened at work. I liked it when he was this carefree.

All I want is a few months. If he walks away after, then I'll let him go. Just a few months to know what happiness really is. Just a few months to know who he is. I smiled.

"Hey Cole?"

"Mhm? What's up?"

"Remember the question you asked? If I would give you a chance?"

"Yea? What about it?"

"I have an answer now." I said. Cole's head snapped to face me.


"Yea. I'll give you a chance."


This chapter took me 3 days to write. All because my exams are coming up. So I have a lot of work to do. Bare with me please.


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