9: Gates has beliefs, Wiley has none (dang)

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In case you didn't guess: She won.





Yves's impromptu victory speech went like this:

"Here's what real. I started this campaign for the wrong reasons. I wanted to be somebody important. I wanted people to see me as somebody worthwhile, so I ran for student body president. I convinced y'all I was smart enough to do this job when I didn't really think I was. But the thing is, along the way I figured out I am. I am smart enough for this job. I'm smart enough for a lot of things. Even if I decide not to go to college, I'm good enough to deserve respect. Even if I never get another date, I'm cute enough to date all y'all's shawtys." 

Everybody laughed and not like they thought she was fooling herself. Phoenix laughed with their whole chest. Yves had their number in her phone. They were going to the taqueria after school. "Even if the person I loved the most doesn't love me anymore, I'm worth loving. I'm good." They stopped laughing. That was fine, this part wasn't for them anyway.

It was for the people who had listened to her and who had talked to her. The people who backed her and the students who had dozens of good reasons not to bother. It might be too late to make lasting change here, but the world was her oyster and she had plans now. She had friends and--she smiled extra big at Phoenix's gorgeous brown eyes--she had allies (maybe someday more). She had enough. She was enough.

"During this campaign, I learned a lot, and not just about me. I learned about the history of this school. The racism we don't talk about. The colorism some don't see. I learned that this administration needs to do better for its disabled students." She leaned closer to the mic. "And they will. I learned about the casual sexism and misogyny that floods these hallways. I learned some folks think it's funny to pretend not to 'get' pronouns. I learned that some people, some people who should know better, treat others like tools because they're too scared to lose. Not cool, but I get it." She clutched the podium. Her hands were sweating again. She'd really done it.

"Like I said, I didn't just learn about me. I learned about us. I learned about the things we should take pride in—our humanity, our friendship, our love, our strength—and the things that need fixing—everything I've already mentioned and more. I learned who I am despite every roadblock and road sign telling me I was nothing special. I am special. I am somebody and I am proud. I won't leave this school 'til every one of you is proud, too. 

"Thank you, students of Booker Heights, for choosing me as your student body president. Thank you, Sedona McGarry, my ride or die best friend and campaign manager for pushing me. Thank you to Suzanne Modesta, freshmen queen, for inspiring me. Thank you to Phoenix Belmont—that boss!—for helping me see the light. Last but not least, thank you to Loren Wiley for losing. " Everyone laughed again. She had them back. She had herself back. Bigger, badder, and better than ever.

This was the stage she'd stood on to declare her candidacy and here she was declared a winner. In a way, it felt like they'd all won. She had known Suzanne and Phoenix were going places and going to do big things, but now Yves finally felt like she was too.

"Thank you all for this honor. I won't let you down. Believe that. Yvey out!"


That's it for my entry for The One That Got Away Anthology! I wanted to give Loren a lot more sympathetic characterization and build on the parternship between Yves and Phoenix more but there wasn't really time. Maybe I'll go back and give this book the novella/novellette treatment it deserves later. Who knows?! If you enjoyed please give me a vote or a comment or add this book to your reading lists. Or even check out my ko-fi for more content! Whatever you decide to do, thank you for reading! Oh, and remember Black Lives ALWAYS Matter! 

For more YA shenanigans from me, check out GIRLS CHASE GIRLS OR FEAR HER (THE ZODIAC CULT KILLER), linked in the comments.

Love y'all! xxx



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