Chapter 33: Avalanche! The Journey Up The Mountain!

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"You bastard..!" Sanji goes to attack the man, but Vivi runs in front of him, trying to hold the male back. "No, Sanji!"

However, the gun was fired again, and this time, hit Vivi as she collapsed on the deck. "VIVI!" everyone shouts.

Luffy looked at his friend in worry, before facing the people, "You bastards! How dare you!" Luffy went to attack the group, before Vivi threw herself on the male. "Stop it Luffy! I'm fine! The bullet just grazed my arm!!"

You tense, getting ready to fight if necessary. "Water Bearer-san! Luffy! This isn't a problem you can solve with fighting! I beg of you!" she turns to the people, before bowing. "We won't set foot on your island! Just send a doctor please! Our friend has a terrible illness and is in pain!"

"Vivi...." Luffy says in shock looking down at the bluenette. "You're failing as this ship's captain, Luffy. Reckless fighting won't solve anything. What would happen to Nami if you started a fight right now?"

Luffy's gaze fell onto the blood dripping from Vivi's arm. "Sorry! I was wrong! We only ask for a doctor! Please save our friend!" and Luffy bows as well, leaving the people of the island speechless. Finally, the man who appeared to be the leader, breaks the silence. "We'll take you to our town."

You let out a sigh of relief. "You're amazing Vivi-san..." you say with a smile. "I must warn you," the male speaks up. "We only have one doctor, and she's a witch."


Everyone loads off of the ship, excluding Mist, Zoro and Karoo who stay back to watch the ship. Nami was carried on Sanji's back, while the rest of you were bundled up from the cold, "This is a nameless country."

"Eh? How is that possible?" Vivi asks in surprise until Usopp screams, "AAH! A BEAR! EVERYONE PLAY DEAD!!" and sure enough there was a large white furred bear, walking with a cane in hand. "It's just a hiking bear," the man explains. "It's no danger, just remember your hiking manners and bow."

You all do this, except for Usopp who was playing dead in the snow. As you continue up the snowy mountain, most of the people who had been so hostile to you all before were now heading back, trusting the man. You shiver, feeling your body getting goosebumps all over.

Luffy gasps, "Look Y/n! Another hiking bear!"


You look up and see it's just a very large woman with black frizzy hair, carrying a basket of fruit, Luffy and Usopp bowing to her as she walks by. You deadpan, unsure whether it was appropriate to laugh at their stupidity right now. The town, itself, has many animals roaming around with the people.

Most of the houses were covered in snow and were small wood made huts, that looked just barely enough to keep the people who lived inside of them warm. You let out a frosty breath, as you enter a slightly larger house, where it was much warmer.

"My apologies for the late introduction. My name is Dalton," he begins, taking off the heavy winter coat and hat. "I guard the island, so please excuse our hostile welcome. But, I do have one question," he faces Vivi. "Have I seen you from somewhere?"

Vivi chuckles nervously, shaking her head. "O-oh no! I'm sure it's nothing, but, can you please tell us more about your island's doctor?"

"Psst....Y/n..." you look and see it's Luffy, who tugs on your sleeve, "Come outside and play with me and Usopp!" he grins. You nod, following the male out with a smile, seeing them build snowmen.

"Oi oi Y/n what do you think's better?" Usopp asks, pointing to Usopp's snowzilla and Luffy's snowman. "Look at my Mr. Hyper-Snowman!" Luffy chants, followed by Usopp who jumps in the air with the rubber boy and high fives him. "And my Snowzilla!"

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