The story of Shimmerin' Skylar Nightshade

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[Image above is what Skylar looks like]

It was the day that Skylar's story would change for the better. On this day she met a man who was trapped in his past.

"YOU USELESS BRAT" Skyler's father yelled as she was hit across the room. It was always like this since her mother died during her birth. Her father, once kind and devoted to his family, now cruel and abusive; blaming Skylar for her mother's. He wasn't an alcoholic so if he wasn't beating his daughter he was passed out.

Skylar found comfort in music so she learnt how to play on her mother's acoustic guitar. She loves to play in sing when she wasn't thinking about suicide or running away, Skylar had a bag ready so just in case she was going to run away and today was that day.

Skylar plays the bag over her shoulders and grabbed a few more things. She put a picture of her mother in her bag, grabbed her phone and headphones along with her guitar, leapt out the window and ran. Luckily she had her wallet so she paid for a taxi to drive to the furthest place that her money would take her, piston peak. It took a while but they soon made it she jumped out and paid the kind man. Now she had no food, water or money. She walked along roads for days, her sore feet and hungry stomach pained her, she couldn't walk any further or live any longer. 'Am I gonna die here' she thought, no she can't die. She continued walking deeper and further into a forest, she was amazed by how is animals and nature so wonderful as this could be in a world that has treated her so poorly. You took photos to remember this moment as her eyes glistened in the sun.

You set up camp in a cave, made herself with fire and a bed made of leaves. It's not as comfy as a real bed but it will do. She learnt how to hunt and he said words to the animal she killed it with a knife, she always carried around. With no electricity, if you cannot charge your phone so she only used it to take photos and they would turn it off again.

Days would turn into weeks
Weeks would turn into months
Months would turn into years.
But for today she was happy here.

Skylar was happy with her new way of living, she felt free and her old wounds healed but she wasn't completely happy, not yet. If she was to die out here she would die alone and no one was care, not even her father. She always wanted to find something or someone that would care for her and would miss her if she died, someone who would LOVE  her.

However everywhere she looked she never found it. The world hated her but at least that's what it seemed like. Was the world against her? It had to be right, or her life will it be full of suffering. Na, there's no way right? She would die alone here in this forest... wait something is wrong the animals are running away.

Skylar grabbed her bag we had everything in and grab her guitar and run out that's when she saw smoke. FIRE! She ran but not fast enough, she got a little burnt as he slowed in carved that's when something lowered right in front of her. "Grab it and put it around you" she heard a voice say. She looked up and saw a red and white helicopter. She was being rescued? Why?

At this point, Skylar didn't care air and he did as she was told keeping her bag and guitar close as it lifted her up and got her away from danger. Once inside the helicopter, she relaxed a little as a side door closed. "The others can manage the fire I need to get you out of here" she heard a voice say. Looking at the cockpit she saw a really cute, handsome guy, Skylar blushed as he held on.

What is there and that's a man got up and walked over to her. "A Rin away uh" Skylar simply nodded in response. "Well your safe now, I'm Blade...Blade Ranger" Blade said as he did a quick check over on Skyler before opening the side door.

"I'm Skylar... Skylar nightshade, I ran away from home as my father abuses me now I have nowhere to go... Can I Start with you?" Skyler pleaded making Blade blush and nod. ' he's so kind yet broken mauve I can help like he has helped me'  Skylar thought.

From this day on Skylar lived with the firefighters that saved her, lived with blade and hopefully one day she would help the angel with the broken heart that saved her life. 

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