"My soulmate? Ring any bells? We are together now. I will mark you and you may or may not go into heat, really I don't know if humans can, and we will mate. For life." He said as if I wasn't making a life long commitment.

"I don't love you." I said as if that was self explanatory. "In the human world, we go on dates with people we find attractive before falling in love. You're really jumping the gun here." I mumbled the last part out.

"First of all, ouch, and secondly, werewolves move a lot faster especially alphas." He argued back.

"What's heat?" Questions were coming at a rapid pace.

"After I mark you, your body will go into high demand for sex. Werewolves have pups shortly after meeting, and going into heat is your bodies way of letting you know we're ready to mate." He said this with a little more comfort in his tone, which was a good thing, because I could feel the anxiety coming on.

"I don't want heat." I wasn't ready for kids let alone to be touched comfortably by this werewolf stranger that kidnapped me. Oh fuck.

"It's okay. I won't mark you until you're ready, and at that point the heat won't come until you are ready." He reassured me. 

"I don't want to move fast." I looked down into my lap trying to avoid the elephant in the room. My heart rate spiked and Bebe noticed. She adjusted herself in my lap and nudged my hands onto her head. Petting her always helped calm me down.

"That's okay." I snapped my gaze up to really look at him. His honesty shocked me, and as if someone had manually changed the mood in the room, I suddenly felt more comfortable with him. He was being vulnerable with me.

"This doesn't leave this room, but I don't know how ready for a mate I am either. I have wanted you all my life, but now that I have you, I'm scared. I don't want to mess it up. We can take things slow and learn together." He offered that option, but at his honestly the butterflies in my stomach had other ideas. I reached over and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. My chin rested on my arm, and I leaned in to touch our cheeks together.

"Thank you." I smiled into our hug. As he was talking about the bond before, I suddenly felt the tingles in my hands run up my forearms and into my shoulders. They tingled so sweetly. We continued our hug for a while longer, before I pulled away. For once in my life I wasn't uncomfortable initiating a hug or holding onto another person for so long.

"So, you're a werewolf." I asked in more of a statement. He chuckled and nodded along with my antics.

"Tell me about it." I asked less as a concern this time, and more as a friendly question.

"Well, our ancestors were all originally a pack of alphas. Alpha wolves are larger and born leaders. They are meant to take care of the pack of wolves to keep safety. This pack of alpha wolves traveled as nomads until they found a place to settle down. This became the map of each pack we have today. Of course, some changes were made as packs died out or got taken over, but no one truly knows where werewolves come from. Some say it was a branch of evolution and some say it was a human that was raised by wolves, but no one knows. We date back centuries and depictions of the first werewolves can be found in cave art and ancient books. Werewolves are physically stronger than humans and faster. We also see and hear better." I smiled as he began to get into his story. He must be passionate about it, and when he explained it to me the idea of werewolves became less absurd.

"We all worship our moon goddess. She is the one who gave us mates and gave us our lands. She comes in the form of the moon, that's why we howl at the moon. We sing for her." His smile was mesmerizing.

"That's amazing. Terrifying, but amazing." I smiled back at him. We continued to watch each other, waiting for the other to look away, daring each other. I didn't love him, but I may have had a change of heart about him. I was about to say something else when a knock at the door interrupted us. Wilder looked away and grumbled quietly. Something about having 'some goddamn respect.' He opened the bedroom door and held his hand out for me to take. Still hesitant about trusting him entirely, I bypassed his outstretched hand and walked in front of him. I didn't dare turn around to see the hurt look on his face, but I felt the feeling pass through me.

"Go right." Wilder instructed me out of the hallway and down the stairs to the front door. As we approached he stepped in front of me in a protective fashion. I watched him open the door, keeping one eye on me. I was unsure if it was because he feared I would make a run for it, or if he waned to assure my safety, but either way I didn't care too much. I was distracted by the beautiful woman that stepped into the house.

"Wheres Adi?" She demanded, pointing an accusing finger at Wilder.

"Willow?" I was in shock. Why is she here? She needs to leave! If she doesn't have a mate or someone to protect her from the wolves, they might eat her!

"Adi!" She screamed in relief and jumped at me. Wilder growled at her and reached for me. He pushed me behind him and spun to face her.

"Willow! Go run! They're wolves! You need to leave! All of them! They can turn into wolves! Don't worry about me, please, just go!" I shouted from behind Wilder. She needed to get out of here fast if she wanted to stand a chance. I didn't know how many were in Wilder's pack but I didn't want to find out.

"Adi, it's okay. I'm a wolf too. You know Zeke? He's my mate." She giggled at his name, but I stood behind Wilder trying to put pieces together in my mind.

"Wilder, let me see her I won't hurt her." Willow pleaded with my new found 'bodyguard' to see me. Although, I wasn't so sure I wanted to see her. I felt so betrayed. How many people had I met that could have been werewolves. Everything felt like a lie. 

"I'm so overwhelmed!" I yelled before booking it back up the stairs. I didn't want to be around anyone. I was getting stuck in my thoughts, and I just needed to sort things out in my head. After entering the room I was in originally, I realized that Bebe was still in Wilder's room.

"Fuck." I groaned whiles running my hands through my long brown hair. I'm so confused.


Hey everyone! Chapter 7-arooni! Kind of a lame place to end it, but rest assured there is more coming. It was honestly so hard to write this chapter. There was so much to incorporate into it, and informative chapters aren't my strong suit. Hopefully you all enjoyed it nonetheless. Show it some extra love.

Have a good one peeps!




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