"I'm only putting up with you because of Jimin so say what you have to say quick cuz I have places to be."

He scoffed, "And I'm sure Jimin won't be coming around here today so you don't need your dumb mustache.

"People are fucking staring and looking at us like we're weirdos Taehyung.

"I do not care Jungkook, LET THEM FUCKING STARE!" he shouted, making the people around them flinch.

"You really are disappointing." Jungkook muttered, letting out a tired sigh.

"Anyways I just feel like wearing my dumb mustache." He stated, the fake mustache he'd bought at the dollar store was finally being put to good use.

"Moving on to the plan now." He coughed, taking a quick sip out of his iced coffee. "So Jungkook this whole week you're gonna be ignored by Jimin." Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but was stopped by Taehyung's pointer finger,

"Don't say a word Jungkook, before you complain about not getting any attention from Jimin, this is how you'll end up together okay?? All you have to do is follow it without asking any questions."

"So deal with it, it's only three days of him pretending you don't exist it's not that hard."

"But during the week you also have to try and get his attention, like just call his name and stuff, you got that?" Jungkook nodded, "Run after him or whatever, just try gaining his attention."

"Alright alright I know what you mean Taehyung."

"But is this actually gonna work out? Like is this how we actually end up together?"

"Of course it's gonna work Jungkook, who do you take me for? A dumbass?"

"Actually I do." He snorted, "You've always been really fucking dumb."

"Whatever you asshole." the elder stuck his tongue out, "You're really immature Taehyung, and you're supposed to be older than me "

"You are exactly the same Jungkook, you're not one to talk." Taehyung crossed his arms, "So don't say another peep until I'm done explaining to you exactly what you're gonna be doing."

"Alright Jungkook so friday is the day Jimin will finally be able to talk to you and give you the attention you so desperately need and want." He said.

"Okay I agree to do all this shit but that doesn't mean I want to." Obviously Jungkook's still very fucking reluctant, he can't exactly trust Taehyung yet.

"Is there anything else I need to do?? He asked

"Well you'll ask him out on a date for Saturday, make sure it's the amusement park because that's Jimin's favorite place." Jungkook nodded

"I know for a fact that Jimin does not have any plans for this weekend, so don't worry about him being busy."

"Though I'm sure he'll pretend he hates it all, but he's actually really really enjoying it."

"You both will have a great time, towards the end you'll ask him to be your boyfriend but he'll mess up his words and say no even though he actually means yes."

"Hold up one sec Taehyung," Jungkook cut him off, "Did you just say he's going to say no?"

"Yup. He's going to be way too nervous and accidentally end up saying no, but it's obviously a yes. So don't get mad, and before you say anything," before the younger boy could utter a word, he was stopped again.

"I've known him for over 18 years and he is my platonic soulmate kook, of course I know how it's all gonna go down." A smug smile decorated his lips, "Don't get jealous kook."

"I'm not," the younger boy crossed his arms.

"Whatever you say Jungkook, but anyway all that's gonna lead to this specific thing."

"And then boom he's happy and we're all happy." Taehyung smiled, he's really a genius.


Jimin being nervous was an understatement, he was extremely on edge.

He feels like he'll somehow do something dumb, maybe making the younger boy never want to be seen with him again. Maybe completely ruining his chances with him.

Picking and outfit was extremely difficult, he wanted to look good but not seem like he'd been trying to hard either. Though his mother always comes to the rescue, helping him pick a cute outfit that's sure to leave Jungkook's mouth hanging open.

His mother also gave him a little ted talk, she's surprisingly extremely wise and has amazing advice to give.

After their little talk, he felt like he was ready. He was confident in himself, he felt able to completely sweep Jungkook off his feet.

He was prepared, though, yes, he still felt anxious. But he knows everything's going to be fine. He'll have an amazing time at the amusement park and by the end of the day he'll hopefully have a boyfriend.

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