Chapter 1

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(Your character is in the picture above, you choose your colirs and markings, if you are male or want to look male then just imagine it as such. I'm not drawing another picture.)

(Y/N) was thought to be a kind soul in Hell, always helping other demons and trying to keep the ones they cared about out of danger. (Y/N) was such on the outside, but with some people, they often were just trying to trick them into something, sometimes (Y/N) might want something from a demon and trick them with kindness and friendship, but they chose a few people not to do that to, the wonderful people of the Happy Hotel, or as it now is thanks to a certain strawberry colored deer, Hazbin Hotel. (Y/N) had mixed emotions about the new name, but they didn't question it aloud. (Y/N) worked at the happy hotel as a maid/butler of sorts, but they also kept an eye out for any people trying to harm the hotel and Charlie's hopes of redeeming sinners, which meant they kept an eye on Alastor, which both amused and annoyed the deer. (Y/N) knew that Charlies father was Lucifer, but they kinda hoped to not meet him in the near future, thanks to demons impressions of him, he/she preferred not to meet them for fear of getting on Lucifers bad side or him just killing them for sport, they would prefer to not go to double Hell if he/she could avoid it. Right now (Y/N) was cleaning up a mess that Angel Dust had made by pissing off the Radio Demon by offering his services to many times in one minute, when the deer had given him clear signs to back the fuck up. You blamed Angels need to flirt constantly and try to fuck other men, he had flirted with (Y/N) a few times before but after he/she had tricked him into waiting in a club for hours, waiting for them, Angel had left her/him alone. (Y/N) was still stuck cleaning up the mess, but after a few minutes Nifty started to help because of lack of other things to clean and wanting to help the poor reptilian demon.

2nd person, (Y/N)'s POV

You were almost finished with the mess in the party room, you were now mopping and vacuming up what was left. Once you had finished you put the cleaning supplies away and decided to take a break to have a snack. As you went on your way towards the kitchen a certain 6 foot tall ball of innocence and light ran over to you squealing in joy. "(Y/N) (Y/N) (YYYYYY/NNNNN)!! DID YOU HEAR?! DID YOU HEAR?! MY FATHER IS COMING MY FATHER IS COMING!! WAIT- MY DAD IS COMING! WE NEED TO CLEAN THIS PLACE UP! WE NEED TO PREPARE FOOD! OH DEAR OH DEAR OH DEAR!", and with that the princess disappeared into the kitchen. You mentally thank her for the heads up and left to your room, hoping that he would just visit and leave quickly so you can roam around freely without worry of running into the ruler of Hell.

(Time skip)

You had been sitting in your room for hours now, waiting till there was a sign that the danger was gone, but you hadn't gotten food yet. You had grown hungrier and if you didnt get food soon you might resort to trying to eat the others and giving into your snake instincts. You decided to take the risk and go downstairs, trying not to be spotted nor heard. You crawled down the stairs, your tail swaying behind you, once at the bottom you looked around quickly, searching for any fallen angels that may still be lurking around.
Charlie skipped on over and assured you her father was gone, you nodded and made your way to the kitchen to get something to eat before you caved.

You went in the separate fridge containing dead deer and rabbits and things inside for you and Alastor to feast on since you both didn't really eat what the others did and the others didn't feel comfortable with eating food that came from the same containment unit as dead animals and would prefer to not be stared at by the creatures corpses every time they open said containment unit, hence the separate freezer. Although Alastor only puts leftovers in the freezer and mainly eats the fresh venison he hunts every day, so you're stuck eating the leftovers, not that you were complaining, less money Charlie would spend paying you to pay for food and less running around hunting food of your own.

Sometimes Alastor decides to catch a rabbit or two as well, hoping you will warm up to him eventually and the act of false kindness would distract you from what he is trying to do. Of course it didn't but you did thank him for the extra food, just in case. As you opened the fridge the cold air hit your scales, as long as you didn't take too long digging around you should be fine with the cold.

You moved around the bunnies to get to some frozen leftover venison (which you had put in a bag before putting it in the freezer if course) and turned on the faucet in the sink, turning it to warm water and letting it fill halfway before turning the faucet off and putting the bag of frozen meat in the nice warm water.

s you waited for it to defrost you spotted a hot pink haired Cyclops demon in the corner of your eye and you turned to see little Nifty cleaning up none existent dust and dirt off of the floor.

She smiled at you and you smiled back, she was usually pretty nice to you and was often checking on you, obviously worried for you. You weren't ever truly fine, no one down here was but you all managed, it is that or die. There aren't any other chances after this one. But you still always said something like "of course! Why wouldn't I be fine?" or "If I wasn't alright you would be the first one I told!", all just to soothe the poor things mind. But this time seemed different, maybe she picked up on your slight self hatred with a hint of disgust with yourself. Maybe she noticed how tired and sick of the worlds shit you looked. But whatever the reason she skittered over to you and grabbed your claw and tugged on your finger, you then took the hint and got down to her level.

Nifty did her best to wrap her small twig like arms around you to give you a hug, which you returned.

Most of the time you may seem like someone who just tricks people to slip around and just try to save your own skin, but if people looked a little deeper they would see all the goodness in you. You had still sinned and you had still tricked a lot of people, but you were still (Y/N), a troubled soul with pain in their heart body and, you guessed it, their soul as well. You couldnt help it, pain is a part of life and everyone has to accept that.

No one could stop the pain of life from hitting them no matter how hard they tried. You knew this, so you covered it up to seem like you weren't hurting as much as you were. In these ways you were pretty skilled but sometimes around people you trust you could let too much slip and you are in this situation. You didn't want anyone worrying, especially Nifty, the poor little innocent cinnamon roll. But you knew you couldn't keep up the facade 24/7. You had to stop at some point.

What better time then now to take a bit of a break?

You hugged her gently as tears streamed down your face, the salty mix staining your cheeks. You didn't even realize you were crying until the Cyclops demon had tried to break out so she could see your face and confirm if you were crying. You told her you were fine as best as you could without your voice cracking.

Nifty wasn't entirely convinced but left anyways, hoping and praying that you would be alright.

Time skip

After eating your fill for the week you headed back up to your room to rest. Of course you delayed sleep with apps on your phone for a few hours before finally going to bed.

This life style would change for you soon.

*1446 words*
*ok so this was very much needed by all of the Lucifer fans. Enjoy this crappy book as I write it while balance it with everything else with my life as best as I can without completely ignoring it for forever. If you have and questions about the story just ask and I might answer, dont know till you try it!*

Lucifer x Reader (Hazbin Hotel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt