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ravenkit played with her sister, fernkit. their mother, sandsplash pulled them back and started to groom them ''look at the mess you're in, it's your apprentice ceremony today for spirit's sake.''

''LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY GATHER BENEATHE THE MUDHILL FOR A CLAN MEETING'' the two kits padded outside of the den and walked towards the mudhill. the deputy and dawnstar's new mate, nightheart,  sat next to her. spingkit and onekit sat outside of the nursery, not yet old enough to be apprentices. the two kits were the kits of nightheart and dawnstar. she did care for them in her own den but sometimes they had to stay in the nursery with sandsplash. springkit was a black she-cat with dawnstar's blue eyes and onekit was a gray tom with yellow eyes and was born without one of his legs. nightstrike and flamestone said he had to become a medicine cat because he could not become a warrior.

''ravenpaw, fernpaw'' mudclan cheered. ravenpaw had been apprenticed to piperheart and fernpaw to a cat called spotnose.

first gathering

they came to the moontree. it was where they had gatherings and where medicine cats went every half moon. it was also the locaton where leders got their 9 lives.

She and fernpaw sat next to eachother. A gray tom that smelled of tideclan, "hi, im pebblepaw, im the tideclan deputy's son" pebblepaw said proudly. Ravenpaw could see that he was the boasty type of person. Sandsplash had said dawnstar used to constantly brag about being the leader's daughter. She was mousebrained to think this tom would act differently.
"Hi, im fernpaw and this is my sister, ravenpaw" fernpaw told the gray tom.
"You know i am able to speak for myself" ravenpaw hissed in fernpaw's ear, annoyed that her sister had to introduce her so she can look unable to do anything for herself in front of another clan.
"Hello ravenpaw" he said to her.
"Hello pebblepaw"
"Let the gatherimg begin!" Magmastar, leader of ashclan yowled from the moontree.

The moontree had a wide surface in the middle, enough for 4 or more cats to lay in. There were four main branches, one slightly burned for ashclan, one which was always damp for tideclan, one that was always muddy for mudclan and one that had space for a few pebbles on it for mountainclan.

"ashclan has a new kit, born to flametalon and turtlewing, we welcome into the clan, thislekit" magmastar said
Murmurs of cangratulations were whispered through the cats

"We have had a snow fox attack up in the mountains but other then that, mountainclan is doing great" snowstar said, curling her tail around her paws.
"Typical mountainclan, dont want to seem weak so that we wont attack them" Stripewhisker of mudclan said.
A mountainclan cat turned towards stripewhisker and said "we may be the weakest clan but we are the ones closest to the spirits, unlike you lot, hiding from the stars under the ground" he hissed

"Tideclan has a new apprentice, pebblepaw, and a new warrior, echowave" thunderstar, the tideclan leader said
"Echowave! Pebblepaw!" The clans chanted. Pebblepaw sat with his eyes gleaming.

Dawnstar got to her paws. She liked her paw and ran it along her white muzzle and gray head, "mudclan has two new apprentices! Ravenpaw and fernpaw"
"Ravenpaw! Fernpaw!" The clans chanted ravenpaw felt as if she would burst with pride as she and fernpaw were welcomed by the calls of the cats.

Hey! Thats mine!

ravenpaw was running by the ashclan border. she had gone out for a run since being in tunnels all day made her  feel cramped.

she halted for a breath but then she saw, scurrying in a patch of flowers, was a mouse. ravenpaw went into the hunters crouch, she leaped and caught the mouse. she shook off the flowers clinging onto her and layed her mouse in front of her.

suddenly a bird came down and stole her catch then quickly flew back into a tree. ravenpaw looked up at the bird, ''hey, that's mine''

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