Just One Kiss Ch 34

Start from the beginning

"You'll see."

"Will you at least tell me what time to be ready for?"

"We leave the house at 9."

"Ok. Let's go before Shaka calls."

Laughing Rahul locked his office and followed her out. "So where are you taking us?" Rahul asked as they sped down the highway.

"On a picnic." Tia replied.


"Daddy, want to hear a knock knock joke?"


"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Willy Wanta."

"Willy wanta who?"

"Willy wanta go outside and play."

They all laughed and that set the mood for the rest of the picnic. They laughed, talked and played around until Wade and Rahul said that they'd better get back to work. Even so they stopped for ice-cream on the way home and we talk and laughing when they walked in the house. All merriment ceased when they opened the door and saw Johanna standing at the top of the stairs with her hands on her hips looking angry as a storm. Wade was the first one to recover. "Hi Honey, what's the matter?" he asked finishing his cone while he waited for answer.

"Don't hi honey me! Where have you been? I've been worried sick!"

"You could have called to see where we were." Wade told her. "We all had our phones."

"I did call. You didn't pick up the phone." Johanna responded.

Wiping his hands with a tissue Wade pulled out his phone and looked at it. There were no missed calls on the phone. Rahul did the same and shook his head indicating that it was the same with his phone.

"So where have you been?"

"We went on a picnic." Wade replied.

"And you didn't see it fit to invite me?" Johanna asked incensed that she'd been excluded.

"You were at the spa dear. You told me that you were going to spend the day there besides you've told me time and time again that you didn't want to be disturbed while at the spa unless it was a dire emergency. This was just an outing and didn't fall under that category. Sorry you missed it Honey but I was just following orders." Wade replied. "Now that that's cleared up could you excuse us please? We need to go upstairs."

Wordless Johanna moved down the stairs and they all rushed upstairs. You would think that the hounds of hell were chasing them. The way sped they passed me. Johanna thought bitterly. Turning she watched her husband stop that girl and whisper something in her ear and saw her nod in response. What had he told her? She wondered that he couldn't tell me? I must find out.  Johanna watched as the stairs to the attic came down and the girl and her husband climb them. Johanna cursed she'd been hoping that they would've used Wade's office so she could have eavesdropped. As it was she would have to ask him what they talked about and it was likely that he wouldn't tell her. Since she came here, her husband hardly spoke to her except to scold her.

Upstairs Wade and Tia on her sofa. "Tia, have you asked Rahul to go with you to Gabby's wedding yet?"

"No. I will ask him before the week is up though."

"You better." Wade told her.

"I will. Have you put in for you and Rahul's vacation yet?"

"Yes, I did it as soon as Gabby confirmed the date for her wedding."

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