take a dip into the unknown

Start from the beginning

With a strong sense of denial, I pulled the visor down from its neutral position and checked my hair in the mirror. With a couple glances between his hair and mine, I realized it was true. His hair was better than mine. With a slightly upset sigh of disapproval, I shove the door open with a little too much force, flinching when I smack into someone's body.

"Sorry, I-" I try to scramble out an apology, the words coming to a screeching halt in my throat as the boy puts his hand up to silence me.

"It's alright, really, don't mind me!" He tries to reason, confusing me. Was he not going to yell at me or even scold me? He was acting like it was his fault I hit him with the door. He sprang up from the ground quickly, dusting himself off and then shaking my hand. "I'm Alfie, nice to meet you! I hope I didn't dent your door,"

I had to put a stop to his apologetic rambling. Was he serious? I hit him with the door of my car! I should be apologizing to him! I feel terrible; wiped that guy right on his ass. He's kind of cute too...good job Tyler. Whilst he stopped his rambling, I heard the light clicks of heels approaching us urgently.

My apologies, I believe they're wedges.

"Ty-lah!" Zoe squealed, closing the distance to Alfie and I. "Who's this?" She inquired, one of her perfectly groomed eyebrows raising in the direction of the dark-haired cutie.

"I'm Alfred, just call me-uh-Alfie!" He stumbled through the sentence as a fond smile grew on my lips. Zalfie. How cute. Considering the situation, I still felt guilty, and my bright red cheeks no doubt display just that. Not even five minutes ago I slammed Alfie down with my car door and wiped him on his ass. I seemed to have missed the introductions, engulfed in my thoughts. As I tune in on the Zalfie conversation, I hear them sharing their schedule with each other.

They were emailed and/or mailed to everyone yesterday. I was happy with my schedule in general; save for my gym class. Sixth period. Two periods after lunch. Supposedly, as Zoe has told me, the lunches are split into two different sections. Lunch A and Lunch B, which you get is completely dependent on your classes. Zoe and I both have B, thank god, and she is stuck in the gym class with me for sixth period as well. I'm not so sure how her gorgeous make-up and runway-ready clothes will hold up after changing into gym clothes and then out of them, but I'm sure she'll be able to handle it. This probably isn't her first rodeo.

Snap, snap, snap.


"Tyler, did you hear me? I said the fifteen minute bell just rang. Let's head to class." She shoots Alfie a grin and a small wave before snatching my wrist and lugging me through the parking lot.

I have to say, the wave of nerves hit me as soon as the smell of cologne and perfume did. Many different scents floated around, and I found it a bit overwhelming. It was unlike me to be this nervous, but clinging to the smell of Zoe's perfume helped greatly. I guess I was having my first case of 'first day jitters'.

The school's colors were Blue and Gold, I believe. The lockers alternate between blue, white, gold. Repeat. All the way down the walls; probably close to four thousand of them line each of the hallways. The walls are the same white of the lockers. However, every two feet or so there are murals displaying different themes and settings. I'd have to ask about those at some point.

The bustle was quick paced and loud; like something you'd see in the a movies. Granted, my old school wasn't tiny, just half the size of this one.

; ; ; ;

"Alright class, welcome to Foundations of Gym. I see you all found the locker room easily, thank you for changing out!" Despite the gym teacher's smaller frame, her voice projected easily across the gym as she pulled a cart from the storage room. "We'll start the year off with badminton, then we'll jump into soccer."

I heaved a melodramatic sigh, looking at Zoella with a pouty lip. The day was going by slowly, my first three periods were completely boring. Math, English and U.S. Government. Sigh. Lunch was dull, both world history and chemistry required too many notes, and now we are going to be playing badminton for the next hour. Not only was I the only guy wearing running shorts, but I was also the only one talking with girls. Lucky for us, though, at least half of this class's male population seems to be a part of the soccer team.

This means that some of them are cute and fit. I recognized one of them as Tyde; who throughout the day I've learned his full name is Tyde Levi Mellet. His tan skin makes his big brown eyes look even more innocent, and he has a laugh that I believe most melt over. With even more picking and prying during lunch, I met a funny brunette named Connor Franta through Alfie, and Connor let slip that his friend, Troye Sivan Mellet, was holding auditions with the drama teacher. Through Connor's brief description, I finally had a name for the mystery twink from the soccer game.

Troye Sivan Mellet.


His name even screamed 'cute boy'. There was just no way around it.

In other news, I'm not as bad at this damn sport than I first thought I would be, but I wasn't as good at it as Zoella, either. Mr. Tall-Tan-And-Handsome (aka Tyde) was really, really good at badminton. Which wasn't necessarily surprising; he was obviously into the whole 'keeping fit' thing. I get that I'm into the same thing, keeping fit that is, but my thighs would still snap him in half. In two weeks time we were to have a class tournament and that would determine my grade for the unit. I was expecting a C, maybe a low B, because let's be honest. Is it really worth actually trying to get a perfect one-hundred?

Zoe thought it was just hilarious to mock just how bad my backhand really was; teasing me from across the net. She's lucky that thing separated the two of us. Granted, it was very thin netting and if I tried hard enough I'm sure I could get around it, but that didn't happen:

The coach excused us about ten minutes before the bell would ring, so we could freshen up and change. I was out of the locker room before half of the guys even got around to changing, sadly, and strolled through the gym aimlessly to wait for Zoe. We have next hour together, a theater class, which is technically holding auditions today after school. I'm going to tag along, since Zoe wants to talk to them about doing hair and makeup for the production. From the way she looks every day, in just the two times I've seen her, her make up skills are very good and I'd love to have them. Of course, I don't usually wear makeup, but it would be cool to see your artwork prancing around during the day, right?

I know. I know I'm a terrible person and I apologize for procrastinating.

I told myself I would spend my winter break writing this story. However as you can tell that was not the case. Spring break has now passed as well and I accomplished nothing. I actually found myself outside and doing things with other people (wow, am I right?) which left me with no time to write. I was also just plain lazy, not going to lie. I feel like doing an Irish jig with all of my guilt for not updating sooner. This is (hopefully) as long as you'll EVER have to wait for a chapter. If you haven't assumed already, this in an author's note. Upon starting this fanfiction I posted the first part and went "Oh shit" because I never formally introduced myself. I'm Alexis, for anyone who didn't bother with my username or couldn't piece two & two together. I enjoy watching YouTube, reading, hiking, going to school, along with watching various shows on the television.

Re-watching all of Tyde's videos along with the collabs between him and Troye gave me the outline idea to this story, so I figured I should whip it out on here and share it with complete strangers. My parents taught me so well, man. Since I'm already breaing the "dont talk to strangers" rule, go ahead and comment, vote and message me. Byeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Alright I lied; I had an after thought. Figure I should ask ya'll what you'd like.

So, next chapter: Troye's POV from the start of the day, or continue with Tyler's?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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