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Y/n's P. O. V.

So as it was decided I had to help Jin, and Dr. Kang cleared up most of my schedule, so yeah I had to go meet him.

How am I going to start the conversation? Aggh I really wanna help him out.

"Miss caged bird" I heard someone calling me, and I know it's one of the boys,agghh how embarrassing.

I turn around to see a cute boxy smile, yeah it's the alien himself.

"Oh hi Taehyung" I try to be polite.

"PD nim told me everything, thank you so much Y/n" He said. His eyes gleaming bright clearly showing how grateful and happy he was about it.

"I really trust you on this Y/n ... Can I call you Y/n ? " He said while taking my right hand in his.

"I'll try my best Tae, and I'll call you Tae if that's fine with you " I said while I smile

"Yayy I'd love that" He said

"Umm okay" Fuck stop getting nervous y/n I said to myself.

"Tae I actually have your jacket um... Can you wait for like a minute, I'll be back soon" I said

He thought for a second

"Oml were you the crazy fangirl Jin gave my jacket to? I didn't know I your bias Y/n? " He said

Wtf crazy fangirl? Who? I mean yeah I am a crazy fangirl but I don't remember telling Jin, how'd he know.

I suddenly heard a finger snap in front of my face.

"Where'd you go? To Tae land? " He said with a cheeky smile.

Duh I'm sure his eldest hyung is training him well I thought to myself.

Come up with a freaking excuse Y/n..think dammit

"Sorry what? " I said as though I know nothing.

"What's with the surprised face? " He asked me

And I continued with the same expression, bitch you're such a drama queen I said to myself.

"Wait so you're not a crazy fangirl? " Tae asked me again this time being a little disappointed.

"Ehh" I just smiled, I mean I can't lie though

"So why'd hyung give you  my jacket? " He asked me again

Cause I was being irresponsible I thought to myself.

"I kinda stained my clothes you know.. So he gave me the jacket to cover up" I said being unhesitant

"Oh okay" He just gave me a smile.


"I'll just be back , I'll get your jacket" I said

"Y/n let it be, take it as a token of love from my side" He said

Sorry what?

"Huh? "

"A token of love for taking care of my hyung and for working so hard for the people" He specified this time

"Tae your sweet gestures were more than enough, I'm glad you thought that way, but I can't keep the jacket " I said

"Y/n please.. " He said with puppy eyes

Wth not the puppy eye, I'd melt now.

"Tae I'm sorry those puppy eyes won't work" I said

"Okay Y/n as you wish, if it makes you feel bad I won't force you " He said again with his smile on.

Can I put him in my pocket?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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