twig (part 2)

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Many moons had passed since Twig found out about Mud's drowning. Mud would have been over
20 moons old if he hadn't died. Twig was now the leader of the rouge group. A cat ran up to the rock
he was sitting on.
“Greetings, storm,” he said to the female cat in front of him. She had bright ginger fur and white
spots along her back. He had chosen her to be the next group leader after him.
“When do we attack?” she asked
“Now.” For many moons he had his mind focused on getting revenge on Rain's death and now that
his group was big and strong, he thought it was time.
He stood up as cats gathered around him. “today we will attack the first clan, mudclan. Storm, Ash,
frost, fern, thorn, petal and fox will attack from the back of the clan camp. I will be taking another
group with honey, stone, branch, scar, cloud and bramble. We will attack the front of their camp”
Twig leaped off his rock and gathered his cats to attack mudclan.

They came to a moor where they found holes in the ground that smelled of cat. They went in and
sure enough, it was the clan camp. All the cats seemed to be covered in mud so they couldn’t see
their pelts. The clan leader came out of one of the tunnels and widened her eyes at the sight of the
cats. “We are attacking for revenge of rai's death" the silver leader just stood calmly and said,
“No cat in mudclan has murdered any cat"
“LIAR!” Twig screeched and lunged to the leader and they rolled over each other in a tangle of fur.

The two groups started to fight the clan. The camp was filled with the sound of yowling and cats in
pain. Blood splattered on the floor.
Twig found himself in front of another male cat. “Twig, remember me? I’m mud" the cat said.
“Nonsense! Mud drowned as a kit you are way older!”
“I faked my death so I could run away from you. I should have known you would attack the clans if I
wasn’t there to stop you" his muttered, looking at his paws shamefully.
A tall yellow cat came out of another tunnel, her belly was swollen with kits. “Mudspot! What are
you doing?” she yelled.
“Its okay sandsplash, this is my father, just stay in the den, you don’t want anything to happen to our unborn kits"
Twig growled, “your name is mudspot, not mud"
Mudspot just said, “that’s how naming works in the cla-" twig cut him off and leaped at him but then
acorn coloured fur flew in front of him, making Twig's blow land on his soft belly. Twig realised what
he had just done and called out “rouges retreat!”

He ran with his group but mudspot leaped onto his back, “you are a horible father! You killed my best friend!”
The silver leader went to the body of the acorn-furred cat and wept “ashleap! No! You can’t die!”
Twig watched in horror and didn’t notice mudspot's claws aiming at his throat.

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