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Twig looked at his mate, rain who was curled around their new-born kit, mud. Mud's pelt was brown with patterns that looked like splatters of mud which looked like twig's own pelt. He was proud to have a son he could train to hunt and fight when he was older. Twig has recently lost his brothers to a wild dog that attacked the rogue cats. Being with rain and their kit was the only thing that made him happy now. He curled up around rain's warm, grey-blue fur in their moss nest and he quickly fell asleep.

Mud was now two moons old and was able to go exploring with his mother who liked to hunt in the clearing between the rouge camp and the clan territories.

One day, when it was sun down, Mud
came running into camp, only Mud. He stood there for a while panting then when he caught his breath he wailed, "Rain got attacked!"

Twig ran across the forest to where his son told him to go until he came upon a sandy area behind a bush, the sea was just behind it. It was now moon rise when he saw something bobbing in the black water. He fastened his teeth around the cat's scruff and hauled them onto land.

It took him a while to figure out who it was. no no no, she can't be dead! She just can't! He thought, desperately nudging
the cat with his forepaw. There were claw marks all around Rain's body and a patch of brown fur. It hadn't smelled familiar when he put his nose to it but he swore he would get revenge on the cat that had done this to his mate.

He buried the body under the sand and made his was back through the
forest with his head down sadly. He tripped over his paws or a bramble many times before he made it back to the camp.

The following days twig was furious with all the cats who talked to him. There were four clans and no other rouges on the island. One of the clans must have killed rain. He pushed his way into His and Mud's den under the bush at the edge of the rouge camp and woke up his son who was shivering
from the cold, winter air. "Mud, if you want to get revenge on you mother's death then listen. I will go to all the clans with our group and we will attack each one until we find the cat who killed Rain."

Mud's eyes widened in shock which made Twig notice that he said he was willing to murder. Without Rain, Twig was lost and didn't know what he was saying most of the time.

That same night mud padded out of the nest, "where are you going" Twig asked sleepily. "I couldn't sleep, I'll just wander around the camp for a while" Mud's reply came quickly although he
found a hint of tiredness in his mew. Twig nodded and dosed off.

When he opened his eyes, he expected to feel his son's warm body propped against his but he found nothing. he is probably still wandering around camp Twig thought calmly. He stretched his legs and yawned before getting out of his nest. He padded around camp refreshed. This was the first time he
was happy since the death of Rain.

Twig couldn't find Mud so he followed his scent trail to the clearing where he buried his mate. Once again, he expected to find Mud but instead the sandy

clearing was empty. Mud's trail led to the sea but stopped. All around he couldn't pick up another trail of his son. NO! He couldn't have drowned! It's too soon for him and me! He whimpered and sat there for several hours.

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