Chapter 32

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The staff already started to clean up the mess but Sehun asked them to leave the room, so they did.

"What?" Her face expressed guilt, biting her lips as little beads of sweat started to form on her forehead.

"I just wanted you to know." Selen said apologetically. "I'll be going then." She then raised her hand and waved at me before walking past us exiting the dining hall.

My eyes stayed fix on the floor still thinking about what Selen told me.

Does he like me? But that's impossible, he never showed me any interest!

I tried to connect the dots in my mind but there's nothing to put a line in, it's clearly not possible for him to like me that much.

"What are you thinking about?" My shoulders jumped when Sehun talked, waking me up from dazing. I lift my head and turned to him, he's looking straight into my eyes. His expression remained straight but his voice expressed his concern for me.

Nothing. I wanted to say that to end the conversation but I don't want to lie to him anymore, I've got so many secrets from him already.

"I was just thinking about Eunwoo." I saw his expression changed, his eyes dilated and he gulped.

"What about him?" He asked.

"I just wondered if he liked me. Like what Selen was implying."

He hesitated but then replied.

"He does." My eyes widened, he then turned away and pursed his lips. A unsure waves of emotions flood my heart, I don't know how exactly to feel at this moment.


"I'm a guy, I just know it."

"Why are you telling me this?" I shook my head expressing a puzzled expression, I couldn't understand why he's suddenly telling me Eunwoo's feelings for me. His eyes turned to me, I was unsure how to act.

"Because I want to be honest with you." He paused to take a deep breath, as if taking one breath is a heavy task. "If you choose to be with me or him, I want to give you the choice." I felt my heart came to a stop.

"What?" I raised my voice in anger.

"You're giving me the choice? Is that a joke?" I scorned at him, I bit my lips to distract myself from the pain rising in my chest.

He closed his eyes and shook his head as if he knew what he said was wrong.

"It's not what I meant." He turned to me and held my shoulders firmly. I tried to shrug him off but he overpowered me. Breathing heavily as my heartbeat increased I continued to throw him my deadly glares.

I smirked.

"Did you think I confessed to you just because I felt like it? Do you think my love for you is that shallow? Huh?" It was now my turn to push his chest, my index finger slammed to his chest. His hand remained on my shoulders, still gripping tightly even when I used full force to push him.

"Why are you looking down on my feelings?"

I kept hitting his chest until I couldn't anymore, feeling the rise of exhaustion in my body I dropped my hand. Tired, I looked up to him, meeting his eyes.

"You're really asking me to choose?" I whispered. His face started to get blurry as I cried, I covered my face with the palm of my hands.

He doesn't know anything. He didn't knew what I've been through, so how could he easily tell me to choose like what he laid out is just some daily choice!

"I'm sorry." His hands wrapped me in a hug and pulled me close to him. I'm so close to him that I could hear his heart beating, his warm chest shared the warmth to my hands.

Feeling his hand run to the strands of my hair as he planted small kisses, his soft kisses stopped as he rested his chin on my head, his grip tightened around me, pushing myself closer to his body.

"I didn't mean to say it, I was wrong." He said in a soft voice. I want to break free from him but my body won't move, as if it's hesitating.

"I don't want you to choose him, I want you for myself." I rubbed my eyes and used my hand to push myself away from his chest, I only managed a bare minimum of four inches away. He looked down at me, getting in contact with my eyes.

"Then why?" I asked him.

"Do you know what my greatest fear is?" He asked. I remained silent, I'm still angry at him. I didn't utter a single word and just kept my eyes at him. He knew that I wasn't going to speak, so with a sad expression plastered on his face he said.

"I'm always scared that one day you'd love someone, and that wouldn't be me." He smiled sadly, tugging my heart with his words.

"I always lived in fear that you wouldn't feel the same way but when you told me about your feelings earlier I felt so overjoyed that if I have to pick the best day of my life that would be it."

"You're not answering me. Why did you let me choose." I cut him off, my heart is starting to warm up to him unintentionally again after he spoke but I want some answers.

"Because I gave in to that fear." He simply said.

My heart ached, it just dawned to me.

Just as how I want him to assure me of his feelings he also needs it.

I didn't know he felt that way.

"I became scared again." His eyes searched my face, as if he's trying his best to memorize every details of it. I took a long breath and crept my hands to cup his face. My warm hands adjusting perfectly to his cold skin, until it became warmer. I smiled at him.

"You have nothing to fear." I tried to make my voice sound normal and smooth but the little gasp for air ruined it but I kept going.

"I sincerely love you just as much you as your love for me. Don't worry about anything and just put your trust in me." I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest.

"I will always choose you." I promised.

"I love you." He said as he kissed my hair.

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