1-What the heck?

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Waking up in a room that looks nothing like yours is considered normal. Especially if you went to a party and drank till you could drink no more.

Waking up because you felt needles piercing your ankle is a bit abnormal.

Seeing a weird anklet on your leg and a note taped to your palm is abnormal in every single way.

Especially if said note had instructions and a warning written in one of the best penmanship you've ever seen.

I stared at the note for what seemed like hours but was probably seconds, trying to decide who wrote it and see if it was another unfortunate prank I was being forced to witness again.

The note read "You have 30 minutes to get to the ballroom. A minute late and you'll be Eliminated. Good luck"

I didn't like the way eliminated was written. Something in me told me it meant death in one of the worst ways.

My brown eyes scanned the room I was in,trying to see if anything looked out of place. Three doors and it turned out only one was unlocked,the one that led to a hallway with four other doors that looked like mine. The only difference were the names written on them.

One of the doors opened;the one opposite my door and a boy came out.

"Ehmm..hello" he said,somewhat awkward "Do you know where the ballroom is?"

I shook my head "I don't but we better find it. I don't want to know what the elimination contains" I told him.

We left the hallway in a suffocating silence. The place was larger than I thought, every new door opened to a bedroom, a weapons room, a restricted room or just another empty space. Hallway after hallway,the place produced.

I was beginning to think we would never find this 'ballroom'

Why does this place have so many restricted rooms anyway?

Questions upon questions flooded my brain,almost making me miss the sweet smell of strawberry and dust and the sound of music. Hypnotic.

"Why don't we follow the music?" The boy asked,his voice startling me.

I couldn't believe I had forgotten someone was with me. I didn't even know his name and I didn't bother to ask. There was no need for the introductions if there was a chance we would be eliminated. We followed the sound of the music,down yet another golden staircase to a room filled with people.

"Finally I was starting to think we would have to eliminate two gamers before everything starts" Someone said.

He wasn't among the crowds,no he was sharing a couch with a lady some feet away from the crowd.

Looking at him, them made my toes curl. They had a beauty I couldn't describe. The guy must be 20, he had the face of a 20 years old man. His hair tied in a ponytail and his forest green eyes fixed on us. The lady was beautiful no doubt but she had the smile of someone that would make you eat your own faeces if the need arises.

Formidable duo.

"Welcome gamers,welcome to the fifth edition of The Castle Games" The man said, standing up. His eyes moved around, examining each one of us. "Each one of you have been given a chance to play real life action games"

He looked at us like he expected us to clap.

"What the fuck is this? What's going on?" Someone from the crowd yelled. The voice sounded feminine.

"Watch your language Phoenix,watch your language whenever you think it's right to interrupt me" he glared at her, his voice taking a dangerous 360 turn.

"Or what?" Someone else asked. A male this time.

Green eyes put his hands under his chin "I could punish or kill you with a tap on my tablet. It would be wise of you to shut up until I'm done explaining"

"Pfft" I scoffed without realizing it. His eyes left Phoenix and her accomplice and turned to me, his mouth forming a twisted smile.

"Do you want me to try out the new shock upgrade on you? I've always wanted to try it out" He spoke in a low husky voice that caused goosebumps to appear on my skin.

"Bite me" I countered without another thought.

I was on the floor without realizing it,my body felt like it was on fire. The anklet burnt against my skin and my eyes watered against my will.

I was vulnerable. They could do anything they wanted to me here and I wouldn't be able to do anything.

"This is what will happen to anyone who talks back or rebel against me again when I'm taking" Green eyes said,voice cruel.

I managed to avoid the pity eyes of the others and the guy who helped me up.

"The Castle Games would continue for as long as it takes for 17 of you to be eliminated. A game would be played every week, group games or solo games. First and second position winners get 2000 points, 1000 coins and 1500 points, 500 coins respectively. Coins are used to buy immunity for 3, 2 or a game, used to buy clues and even an escape route. Enough coins can even buy you a spot in the top 3"

What the heck?

The bastard continued "We are in a castle in an island in the middle of nowhere so don't try to escape. The phones you guys would be given have no means of calling anyone not in this island so don't dare pull that stunt. It's meant for getting information on the next game,learning more about yourself and the others,a map for navigation and other things to keep you losers busy. Any questions?"

No one spoke.

We just stared at him and his friend.

Until the dude I came with decided to talk.


The time the lady answered, her voice like someone who swallowed helium.

"No killing each other or trying to attack us. We have cameras everywhere and we would not hesitate to kill you if we notice anything" She smiled like seeing us dead was her fantasy.

Green eyes clapped his hands and some group of identical looking girls walked into the room,handing a bag to each of us.

"The bags contains a clip that has your name written on it. You must wear it at all times. The phone, room key and a watch that that well shows you the time" The helium voice lady said,folding her hands and dropping them on her thighs "Isn't that Wonderful?"

It really is.


That's done.
First chapter and all.
I hope you guys enjoyed it though.
Comment and tell me my errors so I can work on it.
Express yourself.
And thank you for reading.

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