Chapter 19: The Loss

Start from the beginning

C: Hey guys...think you can give me a hand. I don't really have much of a leg to stand on.

Yang doesn't say anything and instead quickly picks him up and they all run back to the docks. Once there she sets C down and everyone sees him.

Blake: Oh my God. I'm so sorry.

C: Don't be.

Nora: Did you guys see Jaune or Pyrrha?

C: No. Where are Ruby and Weiss?

On cue they all see a red dash heading up the tower by running on some glyphs. The dragon Grimm then started curling itself around the tower. C suddenly has a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and his fear is off the charts. One thought races through his head.

C: I can't let her get hurt.

C: Ruby.

C's eyes and mouth start leaking a black substance. He is then pulled into his shadow. He claws his way back out, but now he has skin black as the night and a white mask like face with red markings and yellow feline eyes. A long black tail sprouts from his lower back as cat ears appear on his head and long claws grow from his fingers and toes. He growls before rushing down and tearing through Grimm. He seems to be losing control until Yang walks up to him and takes his hand. He looks at her and his gaze softens. Yang hugs him and he rests his head on top of hers and gently hums. He then leans down and rubs his head under her chin like a cat. His skin changes to a bright red and the mask flakes off as C's eyes go white before he looks back at the tower. He turns back to Yang and places his forehead against hers.

C: Stay. Safe.

Yang: Okay. You go be a hero, Rockstar. Bring back my little sister, and if you die I'll kill you.

C nods and turns around as he does white feathery wings spread from his back. He takes off towards the tower. He slams into the Grimm dragon and starts slashing it with all he can muster. The dragon roars at him and tries to bite him, but he dodges it by flying upwards. It goes to chase him, but suddenly Ruby cries out as a bursts of silver energy engulf the area and she passes out. The dragon collapses back down onto the tower destroying it and Ruby starts falling. C dives down to catch her and once he has his arms around her he goes to fly, but in his weakened state he can't lift them both, so he throws out his wings to slow down his descent. The wings are impaled on several of the pillars that once held the tower. C and Ruby slide to a stop about twelve feet before hitting the ground, but now C is stuck holding Ruby tightly to himself. He sits there for a minute until the sound of rubble moving catches his attention. He growls menacingly hoping to scare off whatever it is, but out from behind the rubble comes Qrow and Yang.

Yang: Ruby! C!

Qrow runs up and goes to grab Ruby, but C out of reflex growls and holds her closer. Yang steps up and shushes him gently.

Yang: give her to Qrow C. And then we'll get you down.

C relaxes and holds out his arms for Qrow to take Ruby. He does and then Yang says what they're both thinking.

Yang: How do we get him down?

Qrow: The only way we can is to cut off his wings. Talk him down while I do it.

Yang: Okay. C this is going to hurt, but please we're only trying to help.

Qrow jumps up and quickly cuts off one wing. C howls in pain, but stops once Yang takes his hand. He instead starts whimpering like a hurt animal. Qrow takes off the other wing and C falls to the ground. Yang catches him and gently sets him down. She holds him tightly as he then loses the red aura covering him and reverts back to normal. He then goes limp as he passes out from exhaustion.

Straight to the Punch (Yang Xiao Long X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 2Where stories live. Discover now