part 14

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i followed johnny to the spiral staircases and we went upstairs. once there there was a hallway and lots of doors.
"this way" he said.
i followed him into antother hallway and then we arrived in front of a huge black door.
johnny came forward and open the door.
"ladies first" he said with a smile.
i giggled and entered the room. and! the room was so big and AMAZING!!!

the bed was in the middle and well ordered and there was a grey rug in front of the bed and he had images above his bed. and then there was a balcony that overlooks to a marvelous view! i was speechless!

 and then there was a balcony that overlooks to a marvelous view! i was speechless!

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this johnny's room ;)

"omg! that's your room?" i gasped
"yeah.. you like it?" he asked, he wasn't the type of ppl that shows that they are rich and have the best house.
"more than like it... i love it!!!!!" i said
"hahah thanks" he added.

after the show, we started working on the project. it was hard! ugh but johnny was really clever and diligent! and everytime i say something, he would stare at me and smile. ahhhh his smile kills me!!!!

20 minutes later his mom called: dinner was ready. and we were STARVING! so we rushed downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

his mom made some soup with toast. so we sat down and started to eat.

"so emma, you're new in Florida right?" asked me his mother.
"yeah i am" i said
"what brings you here?" she asked
"well i moved here with my aunt" i explained.
"oh i see." she said. and after a few minutes of silence she continued
"and what is your parents' job?"
"um- they eum- they used to be employees" i mumbled
"used to?" she said
"eu- yeah- eum... they eu- they passed away last year" i achieved.

a brutal silence invaded the room. everyone was chocked no one expected an answer like this.
"excuse me i need to go to the bathroom" i said.

johnny's pov

i can't believe what just happened! my mom was really rude while asking her these questions. i didn't know she was orphan. i knew she didn't want to talk about it but my mom made her! gosh i really want to hold her and tell her everything will be fine.

emma's pov

i entered the bathroom and i looked at the mirror, i was trying no to cry! everytime i talk about my parents i can't help it but cry. it's been only 1 year since the accident. and everytime i talk about them the memory of the car crash hit me up. i washed my face and put on a happy smile and came back in the kitchen.

thank you sm for reading!!! tell me what you think!!! and don't forget to vote!! xoxo

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