1. Subaru ~ Loves you, Loves you not

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This first one is just to get it going. And because I'm a Subaru fangirl... well... I like him the most. Here we go~!

Your p.o.v.

You were in a field of daisies. Just laying there. They were tall enough to cover you while laying down. You had your eyes closed and just listening to nature, when you heard foot steps. They were quiet, slow, and even.


You opened one eye to see some whiteish pinkish hair.


"What are you doing out here?"

"Just relaxing-"

"You didn't let me finish. What are you doing out here without me?"

He smiled warmly and sat next to you, pulling your head into his lap. You smiled up at him as he picked a daisy and started picking off petals. When he got to the last one, you reached up and picked it off for him, saying

"Loves you."

He grinned down at you and leaned in, kissing you passionately.

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