Chapter 6

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The ringing of the gun burned my ears. My eyes could barley understand what they were seeing. She dropped to the ground like she was nothing, a simple rag doll. Tyler smiled like the bastard he is and walked out with a hop in his step. I ran over to Victoria. I crouch down beside her and hold her limp body in mine. Tears start streaming down my cheek. I check her neck for a pulse. I can still feel her faint heartbeat but it is weakening by the second. She flutters her eyes open and I breath a sigh of relief. "Oh god, please stay awake, please Victoria" I plead. "Please!" She lifts her hand up to my face and touch's my cheek. "I love you Spencer Reid" She said stuttering "No, don't you do that to me" I demand. I look up and down her body and see that she was only shot in the stomach but she was loosing a lot of blood. I rip off my shirt and push it onto the wound trying to stop the bleeding. "Come on!" I say to myself pushing harder. Within seconds my shirt is covered in blood. Her blood is all over my hands and my chest. "Please don't die on me Victoria" I say to her. Her eyes start to close, the heaviness becoming unbearable. "No, keep those beautiful eyes of yours open you hear me?" She smiles at me as a tear forms in her eye. I talk to her to try and keep her distracted. "If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" I ask her. As she starts answering my question I inspect the wound. It didn't hit any major arteries and went right through, if only I had the right tools I could save her. I need to save her! "Please, will someone get me some tools?" I scream out loud hoping someone outside the room would hear me. As Victoria looses more and more blood I get more desperate. I start crying again, after everything Victoria and I had been through I couldn't loose her now. I keep pushing the blood soaked shirt into the wound as Tyler walks in. He's smiling and clapping as if this is all a show to entertain him. "I will kill you when I find you" I say through my tears. "Good luck with that" He's says. Tyler pulls a small bag out from behind his back. "What are you willing to give up?" He asks me. At first I don't know what to say. "Anything, I will do anything" I beg "Just remember you said that" he says throwing the bag at me. He once again walks out and I open the bag. "Don't worry Victoria, it's going to be okay" There is a needle and thread, a pair of scissors, and some bandage and gauze. I take the bloody shirt off of the wound and start sewing it up the best I can, after all I'm not a doctor. I put the gauze in and wrap the bandage around her. I sit a pool of her blood. "There Victoria your all b..." Her eyes where closed and she wasn't breathing. I checked for a pulse and couldn't find one. My heart started racing, beating faster than it ever has. I start pounding on her chest. "One, two, three four..." She won't wake up. "Please Victoria, wake up, please, I love you so much" she still lye's lifeless on the ground. "Twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty" I plug her nose and tilt her head back. I put my lips to her's and blow my breaths into her lungs. "God dammit wake up!" I scream to her dead body. Every one I have ever loved has been taken from me, I can't loose her too. Just as I'm about to give up I hear a faint cough. I grab her face in my bloody hands. She's awake, thank god. She looks up at me and wipes my eyes and cheeks. "I love you too" She says smiling. I have never been so happy to see her smile. We just sit there staring at each other appreciating every second we have together. "I almost lost you" I say looking down at my hands. "But you didn't" Victoria said lifting my chin. Victoria looked so uncomfortable. I then noticed we were still in her blood. It's almost as if I can tell what she is asking me just by looking into her eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask concerned. She just nods and gives me a small smile. I stand up and bend over pitting my one arm under her knee and the other around her neck. I slowly lift her up being careful not to rip her stitches. She scrunches up her face and grabs her bullet wound. "You okay?" I ask "I'm fine" she replies clearly lying. Carrying her in my arms I walk to the other side of the room. She is surprisingly light and easy to carry. I slowly set her down where her and I normally sleep. She gives me a long kiss, one thing I will always cherish. I fall asleep beside with my arm around her almost in a protective way. I can't get over what he did to her, I will always hate him. If I can have it my way he will lay another finger on her. It should have been me who got shot, not her. I should have kept the focus on me, I'm such an idiot. I wonder if my team is still looking of if they already think I'm dead. After the first 72 hours people just start to assume your dead. My team will never stop looking, because I wouldn't if it was one of them. 

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