Chapter 11

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4 Years ago*

Last night I had argued with Jake.

But sometime during the argument my head started throbbing, causing me to go to sleep after taking a pain medication.

I woke up the next morning, remembering the argument last night.

I got up and waked over to his room but saw that Jake had already left.

I sighed.

I was hoping that Jake was still here so that I could apologize for lashing out on him.

I didn't mean to yell at him like I did, I was just worried for his safety.

I mean my 16 year old son?

A mercenary?

Will I ever accept that?

He's still a child...

He should be focusing on his studies..

I know he only wants to get money so I can recover but this is not the way to do it.

What can I do to convince him to quit and go back to school?

Would he even listen?

Would he understand my point of view in all this?

Of course he wouldn't. head...

I hate these headaches.

Luckily it wasn't a big one so taking a pill would do for now.

I walked over to the kitchen to get a cup of water but something caught my eye.

The window..

Why is it open?

Did I leave it open?

Did Jake leave it open?

I was about to walk over to close it, but I decided to take my medicine before my headache got worse.

How long will I have to live like this?

These unexplainable migraines that I constantly get?

Even doctors couldn't tell me why I keep getting them.

I was beginning to lose hope that I will ever get better.

I mean every day I don't feel any better.

How long will this keep up before it takes my life away?

I walk over to the bathroom and open up the medicine cabinet.

I reach out to take my prescribed pills and saw that there was only one more left.

I sighed.

I have find a way to get more of these pills without spending so much money..

I closed the medicine cabinet and saw a man in black standing behind me.

Causing me to drop the pill and the cup.

I tried to run out of the bathroom but I couldn't.

I tried to scream for help but he had already pressed his body against mine to cover my mouth.

" don't have to be afraid...just come with us and we won't have to hurt you.."

I lifted my knee to hit him in the groin the pushed him away from me.

Humanity's Relief (Sequel to The Cure For Humanity)Where stories live. Discover now