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Alice thought to a vision she had the previous day. It didn't show much about the woman, Alice still didn't know what she looked like. The most it showed was that the woman owned a zippo with a rose design.

Bella had been told by Charlie that her older cousin Plaitith was in town and would most likely come visit her. Bella was nervous about Plaitith being human but she also loved the idea of seeing her older cousin. She also wanted to see how everyone would react to her being taller than all of them.

The kings were becoming, if possible, even more annoyed. The only new information Alice could give them about the woman was that she owned a zippo with a rose design. They had also come to the conclusion they shared a mate. They weren't happy but they weren't against. The only thing that made them more annoyed was that they would be visiting the Cullen in a few weeks time.

Plaitith stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, or more accurately her hair. She couldn't decide if she wanted to cut it or leave it long. It was starting to become annoying to her with how long it was. Leaving the bathroom, Plaitith pulled out her phone, answering the incoming call. "Plaitith?" Plaitith smiles at the voice of her cousin as she walked downstairs. "Isabella? I want to get straight to the point. When can I meet the poor boy? What was his name- Edwin? Eddie?"

Bella groaned, annoyed, while Emmett laughed. "Edward, his name is Edward, Platith." Bella smirked, know that Plaitith hated her name being pronounced wrong. "Isabella. I will hurt you."  Bella's face dropped, knowing that even though she was a vampire, her older cousin could definitely hurt her. "Got it Plaitith. You should... come over! Meet Edward and I'm sure Emmett would love to meet you." Plaitith smiled as she put on shoes matching her outfit.

"Of course! I'll be wearing my six inch heels, making you even shorter compared to me because I know you hate it." Before Bella could respond Plaitith hung up. Looking at her outfit, Plaitith decided her white shoes and shirt and jeans looked okay.

(The image is to show what her hair looks like. It's also really fucking hot.)

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