She didn't even realise she was smiling until Supergirl appeared beside her and nudged her gently with an elbow. "I know that smile. You've been smiling that smile a lot lately. That was a message from Maggie, right?"

"It was about Phoebe," Alex forced a straight face as she jammed her phone back into the pouch on her belt again. But the straight face didn't last long before the smile crept back again. "I'm picking her up from school this afternoon, and she's staying at my place for the weekend."

"What?" Supergirl beamed. "That's great! Awww, sleepover time! I love Phoebe. She's adorable! Can I bring my Disney collection?"

"Uh, who says you're invited?" Alex retorted. Then she laughed. "Yeah okay, we can have a movie night with popcorn and sweets and blankets and - ugh, is it sad that I'm actually really excited? I can't wait!"

"It's not sad at all," Supergirl grinned, sharing her sister's enthusiasm. "I think it's amazing what you and Maggie are doing for that little girl." She nudged Alex again with an elbow. "And speaking of Maggie, you two have been seeing each other every day for months now. What's going on? Enquiring minds want to know."

"Enquiring minds should stay focused on the mission."

"Oh, come on. Tell me!" There was that damned pout again. Alex turned away and raised the binoculars to look through them once more, if only to give herself an excuse not to look at the pouting Kryptonian beside her.

"Are you two dating? You are dating, aren't you!" There was a loud gasp from Supergirl, and Alex rolled her eyes. "How could you and Maggie start dating again and keep that from me? It's your sisterly duty to tell me about that. I'd tell you if I started dating someone."

Even as the binoculars lowered once more, Alex raised an eyebrow at her sister, giving her a sideways glance. "Are you sure about that?"

Supergirl opened her mouth, no doubt to protest, but then her brows furrowed in confusion. "Huh? Wait, what?"

"Never mind," Alex shook her head quickly. "Anyway, we're not dating. We're just... I don't know. We both have feelings still, but there's a lot we both have to sort out, I guess. We talked about it when Maggie took custody of Phoebe, but I think we're both scared that if we move too fast, we'll ruin this - whatever this is that we have going on now. It's good. It's nice. Her and Me, looking after Phoebe. We don't want to ruin it. Especially as Phoebe is involved now. It's more than just us being hurt we've got her to consider now. If things did fuck up again, Phoebe could be caught in the crossfire, and neither of us could bare anything ever happening to her. She's what's important, so right now that's all we're thinking about. Her."

Supergirl nodded slowly as she consumed another three doughnuts, taking her time with each. Just as Alex was starting to think that maybe the subject had finally been dropped, however, her sister spoke again.

"I get that. You guys are being careful and that's great. But this 'seeing each other all the time, eating meals together, but not dating' thing has been going on for months. It's like the anti-lesbian thing, isn't it? Aren't you worried they'll confiscate your snapbacks, or something?"

This time Alex turned to give Supergirl her full attention, with added pissed off glare, just to get her point across. "Oh and you're the subject matter expert on this, right?"

Supergirl's hands shot up in defence. "Hey what-what's that supposed to mean? What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that if clueless was a scent, it would smell like you and—"

"We've got movement," Agent Vasquez's voice suddenly spoke across their comms, cutting off the conversation.

"Copy that," Alex nodded to Supergirl, who swallowed down the last of her doughnut, licked the sugar from her fingers then stood next to her sister, ready to fly them both down to the alley below on Alex's signal. "We're in position. Let's do this."

Into the UnknownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora