Chapter LXVIII: Tyler

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You know why Tyler hates puzzles? Specially mazes. Because of the maze they had been trapped in for hours now.
After they defeated Pothos all of them kept going further into the temple and got into a huge maze, hopefully it wasn't like the maze runner maze, but with their luck, it was going to be worse.

He heard strange sounds in the other side of the walls but the others didn't seem to notice so Tyler kept quiet, but he soon regreted it as a bunch of giant black geckos ran towards them from the far end of the corridor.

"Stallios, we hadn't seen any since Russia." said Jason.

"Well I don't want to stay and catch up on what we been up to." said Valerie as she started to run off, everyone ran behind her with the geckos slowly colsing in on them.

"Val, slow down!" cried Charley.

"Run faster!"  she ordered.

"I'm trying!" he yelled back.

"Well try harder!"

"We've been through this already!" he seemed to slow down, or maybe it was becasue in front of Tyler a wall apared from the ground cutting off Jason, Tyler and Charley from Valerie, Harry and Zoe whom where at the front.

"Jason!" Tyler heard Zoe scream.

"I'm fine Z!" he yelled back, "Just keep going." he turned and saw the army of geckos, Tyler could already smell their horrible scent, the smell of rotten flesh and death, so kinda how Tyler smelled somethimes.

"This way."  said Charley and took off, Jason and Tyler ran after him.

They made their way through the corridors of the huge maze until Tyler saw a small light at the end of the very long very wide corridor they where on.

"Look! An exit!" cheered Tyler running faster down the corridor but stopped halfway, about ten or eleven feet away, he looked down the hall and saw Jason helpping Charley forward, the glow on his arm had turned a very ugly yellow and he saw Charley was sweating his face off.

"Tyler!" yelled Jason and Tyler noticed that the walls where closing off, "Watch out!"

"Hurry up!" he yelled, Jason and Charley shambled their way to Tyler, the doors where about half way closed and they where a long way away.

"Take care of Charley!" yelled Jason.

"What?" asked Tyler, Jason almost threw Charley down the corridor and he made it to the other isde before the doors colsed, Charley groaned and the yellowness faded away.

"Sup?" he asked, Tyler slamed agasint the wall.

"Jason!" he yelled.

"I'm ok! Just keep going!" Jason yelled back.

"Great." murmured Tyler looking down the corridor the light shun, but then it went out completly, "This keeps getting better and better."

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