My orbs met Leafkit's again, the fluffy-kit already had a determined look into her eyes, but I recall also catching a hint of nervousness. Leafkit stepped forward, fluffy-tail waved behind her delicately. "That sounds nice, Honeykit. I wouldn't mind teaching a few things. Oh- maybe tomorrow, though? I wouldn't want Ravenkit to get too tir-"

"No, no, no. I have caught my breath. I am good to go for another round." I had excitement bubbling through my small body. Honeykit raised a brow into my direction; she seemed unsure & also a tad worried. Honeykit then blinks hard, a soft smiling creeping onto her lips. "Alright, Ravenkit. If you are totally sure"

I looked to each of their faces; a sort of ache was within my maw. I remember it being more of a stinging sensation, but I chose to ignore it. My might have been overlapping the slight pain as adrenaline pulsed through my small body.

I nodded to Honeykit. "I'm sure. I want to see some of Leafkits moves. A frail thing like her? I kind of don't believe it. No offense Leafkit, but you seem all soft."

Honeykit started giggling, but her giggles sounded playful while moving back to the sidelines again, Darkkit padded along to join her with a deep chuckle into his chest. 'What's so funny?' I wondered while tilting my head.

My small black-paws started to head into position for our little match. Leafkit had a kind look onto her expressions while Honeykit mewed.

"Oh... you will be surprised, Ravenkit."

'Pft. Mhm- I am sure.' I remember laughing into my own mind, but I chose not to share my thoughts.

Leafkit moved into position too, her fluffy-pelt bouncing as she went. A bird flew above us just then & casted a shadow, but Leafkit & I kept our orbs locked. Our tails rose high, curling around into the air while we waited for Honeykit's call to begin.

Honeykit & Darkkit looked to us one at a time then they both called out loudly. "START!!!"

Immediately my legs dashes forward into a swift sprint, my legs had the ability for quick take-off even as a young kit. Leafkit eyed my movements, her body dashing to the side as I ran directly at her.

Leafkit looked as if she was preparing for a collision of sorts & a cocky sideways smile pulled onto the right side of my face before I skid my paws into another direction. Dirt sprang up towards Leafkit, but she leaned upwards with both paws up to avert her eyes.

'Huh, she's a fast thinker.' I thought while my black-paws kept running into my new chosen direction. The clouds of dirt into the air subsided fast & Leafkit had leaped right through, both of her paws stretched out in front of her.

I hardly had time to see her coming, but my small frame managed to tuck beneath her & roll to the side, my back-leg gave a swift kick to the side. I truly held back however, we knew that those matches were more for fun back then.

It appeared that Leafkit's dense-pelt had protected her from most of the contact because she realigned herself onto four paws & quickly angled towards me to give a swat.

I scrambled onto all four of my paws to move aside, but my reflexes were not fast enough that time. Leafkit's paw collided with my ear, though her paw pushed down along with most of her weight.

'Gah-aghhh-NO! She's going to pin me!' I remember my thoughts racing, brow furrowed while I ducked my head out from her paw. I then gave my body a fast twist, front-paws holding grip to the ground, tail maneuvering to the side so that I could try to trip Leafkit with my back right-leg.

Leafkit's green-eyes widened while my leg met hers, but it seemed that I only tripped her a tad as her front paws scrambled in front of her to find a firm landing. Pulling my body forward using my strength of my front arms, my back-legs met the ground firmly once more, but Leafkit had fallen right on top of me.

Ravenstone's Onset: visions & vengeanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang