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Thats all that succumbed their bodies after such a sexcapade. There was nothing more to do. They both felt as if all had been said with what they just did. The things they have been trying to say to each other and express, was all done within a matter of minutes that felt like hours and raging hearts.

Hermione nuzzled into Severus' chest as he held her. Nothing but their beating hearts could be heard, the inaudible all of a sudden audible.

Letting their eyes drift slowly off into an emotionless sleep, they replayed what had just happened here in this very room. Neither could believe it, as it all seemed too good to be true and unexplainable.

Lying there, holding each other, seemed to speak volumes. It was love.

Love that held them together.

Love that bound them to this room.

Love that made them make the decisions they know they didn't want to.

They felt so complete, as if it were only them in this world. But little did they know, there were other cruel intentions life put upon them. . .


"Ronald Bilius Weasley! If you do not go and apologize to that man right this minute, I will restrict you from ever being apart of the order again!" Molly Weasley bellowed at her son. Arthur stood behind her, his hands firmly on her shaking shoulders.

Ron just slumped himself further into the armchair he seated himself in.

"No! I stand by what I said and you guys should believe me! I know a traitor when I see one and he is the traitor!" He argued back. He was disgusted they even involved him in such meetings, they knew he hated Snape with a passion.

"He is not a traitor son, we have already been through this." Arthur said firmly but calmly to his son. His wife just sighed deeply, he really wasn't helping.

"Severus is a good man, Ron. He practically raised you!" She tried to reason. Ron just stood up and walked back and forth in front of the fireplace.

"Yeah, gave me and my friends all living hell! Yeah, that sure was a bloody damn good job he did!" He said, laughing sarcastically.

"The Ministry has already proved that he is innocent. He played a part yes, but it was vital to Hogwarts and to Harry. They used Veritaserum." Arthur said, having been there.

"He's Snape for damn sakes! He knows how to resist things! For all we know, he could have concocted a potion to withstand the Veritaserum!" He said, grabbing his head in anger at how gullible his parents were seeming to him.

"Ronald, that is not possible!" Molly spat, wondering where she went wrong with this child of hers. Not to mention she needed to have a chat with Ginny about her sudden new information she sprung on her.

"Well we don't know. He's a bloody brilliant Potions master and a goddamn good liar!" Molly threw her hands up in defeat.

"I give up, but know this Ronald, If you DO NOT go and apologize, then I will personally disown you from the family! I've had it up to here with all of your negativity!" She said, tears threatening to fall as she said this. Did she really have the nerve to actually disown him, no one knew, but Ron knew not to test his mother, as she always stayed true to her words.

She stomped out of the room before Ron could say anything. Arthur looked from her to him. "I would think about it son. It may seem petty and unfair, but he's a good man. Just know that son, thats all I ask of you. If your friends have forgiven him, then I think it's high time you grow up and do the same." And with that, he followed after his wife.

Ron stood there, shocked of the sudden revelations. He never knew that he was that bad. Sighing deeply, he plopped back down on the couch and held his head in his hands. Then, coming to a consensus that he knew was going to kill him, he decided they were all right.

If they all moved on, why couldn't he? He felt as of it were something much more deeper than that.

Maybe it was the way many girl students he liked all obsessed over Snape and not him. It was bad enough that his sister had a crush on him before she fell for Harry. And hell, for all he knew, Hermione liked him too! She was always standing up for him!

He shook his head at that thought, no, Hermione wasn't like that. Hermione was his and they both knew it. They loved each other and she would never like someone like him. I mean, between himself and Snape, it was like night and day.

He didn't get what the others saw, maybe he put a trance on them or something. But then again, he seemed to dislike them all.

Standing up slowly, he decided he did owe Severus an apology and he also owed Hermione one as well. He did, after all act like a total arse.

Making his way up the many flights of stairs, he began thinking of what he was going to say to him. And it sure wasn't going to be easy.

make me move 🍒 snamione.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz