I was woken up by the sound of the coachman saying to me "Lady Penelope, we have arrived". I jerked forward and wiped my face with my hand, I had a long yawn, I had no idea I had slept that deeply. I rubbed my eye with my hand and started to mentally prepare myself for meeting Lord Baldwin.

After a few minutes of talking to myself I was finally ready, I instructed the coachman to proceed. As we moved forward I looked out of the window studying all of the beautiful trees and the beautiful surrounding. I was surrounded by quite a number of beautiful houses, it was quite evident that they could only be occupied by wealthy people. "So this is Lord Baldwin's estate?" I asked my coachman, "Yes my lady, and it is just one of the many he has scattered across the kingdom" he replied.

I was so anxious to see what his very own home would look like. We finally reached a tall and massive gate. Two guards armed with large guns stood at each side. One of them walked towards us and asked for our identification. My coachman handed him a piece of paper which was apparently an invitation of some sort.

"Lord Baldwin has been awaiting you" the guard said.
"Let them through" the guard said to the other. Both the guards opened the gate on both sides giving us room to pass.

We moved forward unto the path made of red brick which led us directly to the colossal structure. The mansion stood proudly before my eyes, it was surrounded by thick trees which swayed gently to the wind. And at the center stood a lush fountain, the clear water gurgled softly which resonated a surrounding silence.

It seemed like a million acres of land, there was enough space to accommodate thousands, and the majestic house was more than fit to accommodate a king. I was overwhelmed by how incredible the place looked. At that point in my life, it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen.

Lord Baldwin stood proudly at the front door with his hands behind his back. As he watched us approach he started to move closer. We finally came to a stop, I arranged my hair as much as I could, I swallowed hard and started to remember all the instructions given to me by my father. "Remember to be well behaved" his words echoed in my head, "You will be fine Penelope, just be strong" I remembered Yesenia telling me. "This is it" I said to myself, I was finally ready.

My coachman finally opened up the door for me and gave me his hand. I took his hand and stepped out of the carriage, I waited for Lord Baldwin to reach me. Lord Baldwin finally approached me with a smile on his face, two young maids accompanied him.
"Penelope, I have been anticipating your arrival" Lord Baldwin said to me as he took my hand and kissed it.

"I have been looking forward to seeing you too Lord Baldwin" I said as I smiled,
"Oh why so formal Penelope? Thomas will be fine" he said still holding on to my hand.
"I think it will take some time before I can start addressing you like that" I admitted,
"There is no need to worry, after all you will be my wife very soon" he said as he started to caress my hand.

The two young maids helped to carry my belongings inside of the mansion. Lord Baldwin escorted me inside still holding my hand. As we entered into the building I was shocked to be greeted by a multitude of maids.
"Welcome home Lady Penelope" they all said simultaneously as they curtsied. "T-thank you" I replied nervously.
"As you know Penelope, my home will very soon be yours as well. Feel free to act as you like, you can also ask for whatever you want, the maids will carry out any task you desire" he said to me, "Keep in mind that any sort of disobedience from any of you will not go unpunished" he said referring to the maids, "Yes master!" they all replied as they curtsied again.

"Penelope, let us proceed" he said as he took my hand again, he started to show me around the house. The more we moved the more I was marveled by the brilliant interior of the mansion. He took me up the stairs and showed me a room. "In case you ever feel like having some privacy, this will be your room" he told me.

The Pure OnesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz