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REMINDER : You're lovely, yes you!

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The weather outside today was brighter. It had been chilled lately with light showers in the mornings. The sun rays penetrated my curtains waking me up. Looking out through the window it was all dry and the flowers seemed to bloom even more today. Cold weathers were major turn-offs for me and my mood was primarily dull.

It was a Saturday. I had to do laundry which I really loathed and work at the cafeteria. I chose to help Mr. Charles on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons because they were the most busiest days and he really needed a hand. I stumbled out of bed and lazily flinged myself into the bathroom. Staring at the mirror I looked like a crazy woman with my hair all messy. I must have forgotten to throw a bonnet on it last night like I did most nights.

Now, in the quiet of the morning I took my shower which lasted forever. My shampoo container was nearly empty forcing me to wash my hair hastily. I needed to go shopping soon to replace some of the items which had ran out. Drying my hair was always the hard task when it came to hair business. I was torn from my business when my phone buzzed. It was a message from Maddy.

Maddy:Movie night maybe!

Me:Sure, why not. But after you help me out with shopping

Maddy: Why though? See you then

She was a sucker for shopping and I had to drag her every other time I went shopping. I dressed up in a pair of black jeans and a tank top, put on my mascara and eyeliner slightly and went downstairs for breakfast. I poured cereals and milk into a bowl, turning on the television to some state news. I didn't really give much attention to state news especially politics-related despite being a law student but I kept staring at the TV absent-mindedly. Shoving the bowl into the sink, I collected my car keys and quickly headed out since I was getting a little late.

I turned on the radio, soft music filling the car. There was traffic but I was almost at the cafeteria to my relieve. My car was not the classic type but it didn't bother me. I had worked so hard to get it and it made my going to places more easier and that was all I cared about. I wished to get a better car but that wasn't in my list of things to do any sooner. Maybe in the future when I had lesser responsibilities.

My Charles was busy perusing through the menus and the days timetable. I didn't really understand why he needed a timetable but I believed it acted as a day guide for him just as I was tied to making lists. This was a thing for me and it just happened really automatically. Strange addiction!

Customers were already making their way into the café. People must prefer coffee to smoothies in the morning because we mostly served coffee and less smoothies during the mornings.

"Good morning Mr. Charles," I called out after throwing on my work robe.

"Good morning to you child. Caught up in traffic again?" he handed me the menus.


Am I the only person who savors being called child because I savoured Mr. Charles calling me child a lot. It gave me some type of relieve. No one ever called me child, not even my parents and maybe that's why I adored it so much. He was like a parent to me, apparently he was the only adult I had in life to ask advice from, to also run to when I was stuck and he was more than willing to extend help so to me he was the ideal definition of a parent.

I must have been busy on my phone as I didn't realize the new customer already seated. My phone has got to be my greatest addiction. I made my way to the man now staring down at the menu. His strongly scented cologne hit my nose in a hard sweet way.

"What can I offer you sir?"

Still he kept his head down.

"What can you offer me? How about your favourite, huh?

A man with no choice. The voice, the accent were all familiar to me. I only needed to see his face and confirm my  intuition. I stood still not saying a word waiting to hear from this man seated with his face down.

"If you don't have a favourite, how about I have a taste of you love." He uttered now lifting his head to me. I was dumbfounded by the sight that met my eyes, he had the same gaze as I remember I saw it last.

"You must taste sweet," he added.

I was left dazed and confused. I despised his vulgar tongue and his vulgar jokes. I moved away from him, took other customer's orders and went back to the counter. Serving each person, I sat down staring at my phone blankly thoughts of the man sitting across the counter lingering my head unapologetically. I never believed the power of the tongue untill now. I also never meant a word when I said I'll see him next time. They were meaningless words and now that man knew where I worked.

I watched him from his seat to the counter. He walked not keeping his eyes from me.

"I enjoyed your café latte. I must say you have a good taste after all," he paused. He placed a piece of paper on the counter.

"Mr. Stranger sounded good but you can make it better. I guess I'll see you around then love," he winked and made his way out to the door.

He had scrabbled his name and number on the little piece of paper and a message that said 'Call me later maybe' Malcolm. That was his name, Malcolm.

I was trying to get thoughts of him off my head. I couldn't wait for the day to end and meet up with Maddy, who would be curious to know every detail.

What a start of a day!

What are your thought on this chapter besides me taking long to update it? I actually had written this chapter but I lost it, so I had to rewrite.

Also it's the Gemini season and you all know what that means. I'll be 20 🔜. Despite it being a crazy year and quite an exceptional one, I'm still happy about my birthday.

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