Chapter 17

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Peter hugged his knees close to his chest. Every now and again a sniffle was heard from him as he tried to stay warm. Then a buzzing sound could be heard. It seemed deafening in the alley. Peter pulled out his phone with shaking hands and looked at the cracked screen. 

Mr muffin:
Heya kiddo
How are you doing?

I'm doing alright I have a cold though
It's probably from the day I left my coat at home

Mr muffin:
Well then stay warm and get better

If only he knew. Peter thought to himself. Peter looked up at the sky. Not a wisp of blue could be seen only grey.

I'll be getting out of school for winter break soon
Then I can stay in bed where its warm all day
And I can drink hot chocolate and eat warm cookies

Mr muffin:
Kid you're obviously hungry

Yea I forgot my lunch today and I didn't eat breakfast

It wasn't that much of a lie, Peter hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch.

Mr muffin:
You should look after yourself more
I don't want anything to happen to you

I'll be fine
I'll just eat a bunch for dinner!
Anyway I have to go. My next lesson is about to start!
Bye Mr muffin!

Mr muffin:
Bye Bambi

Grey bandages hung off of Peter's thin arms. Loki had been on a mission for the last two weeks. Now he was all alone again. Cold water hit his nose and he looked up thinking of seeing rain but he saw something worse.. Snow. 

Breathing out he saw fog swirl in the air before disappearing again. It was going to get colder. That's one thing Peter knew. Another thing is that someone was coming near the alley. Someone he didn't know..

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