Nodding yes, he looks back up and over top of me, most likely to Tooru.

"I swear he didn't react whenever I spoke to him!"

"Can you speak?" He asked again, looking back to me.

I nod for the second time, readjusting my legs to be a little more comfortable.

"Go ahead then, say something." He says, waving his hand.

"Flower?" I said, unsure if that's what he wanted me to say.

"What is that? What did he say, Tooru?"

"English. I don't know English."

"Go fetch Tamaki, he knows English. And make sure he's not in his larger form, I don't want to go outside for this." The man waves as Tooru nods before exiting the room.

He reaches down and grabs the back of my head once again, pushing it down. I didn't like this, but I felt if I were to reject his hold it would result in pain.

"Toyo? Tooru said you needed- is that the new guy?" A familiar voice said, it must've been the Tamaki man.

"Yes- don't you run away! Come back here Tamaki!" The man ordered.

"Toyo, please."

"Nope, it's time you be brave and translate for me."



I hear a sigh, and my head is once more released from the hold. Looking back up the blonde man- Toyo- had taken a step back. And a new boy with dark blue hair and eyes stood next to him.

"Go ahead, speak again boy. Tell us your name."

"Kirishima! Name Kirishima! Bakugo and Sho find name, tell me. But they tell me name Red." I light up, I like telling people my name. Whenever I told the staff when I first learned it, they always smiled. It made me happy.

"His English is terrible. But his name is Red Kirishima. Something about a Bakugo and Sho, too.." Tamaki explained in his language.

"Bakugo and Sho friends-! No.." No, Bakugo left.. He broke his promise.

"No continue." Tamaki said in English, it's been a hot minute since I heard that.

"Bakugo and Sho were friends.. But left me, no understand. Hurt. They hurt." I explained, my heart hurt the longer I talked.

"Tamaki, what is he saying? Why does he look like that? He looks sad."

"Humans hurt him. And he doesn't understand why, they were his 'friends.' Sound familiar?"

"Oh, why did you fly over our land?" Toyo said, ignoring Tamaki's question.

"Scared. Bakugo tell me leave, I hurt. No want bother, sorry." I explain, tears welling up in my eyes as I stare at my knees.

"He was scared. The Bakugo guy told him to leave, he didn't mean to bother us he said. Can I leave now please?"

"No, you can leave when I say we're done." Toyo said, I saw him bend down to my level.

Looking up with my teary eyes, I see that he had sympathy in his eyes. I ball my fists on my thighs.

"Why did you panic in the forest, boy?"

"No want remember. Hurt."

"He doesn't want to say, it hurts."

"You have to tell us boy, so we can decide what to do with you."

"Hurt! He hurt!" I said, a little louder than I meant to.

"Who?" Tamaki asks as he also squats down, looking at me with curiosity.

"M-Master. He hurt."

"Who is that?"

"Big man. R-red hair.. Sho's Dad.. He hurt me."

"Who is Sho?"


"No, what does he look like?" Tamaki asked, scooting closer and sitting down before me.

"Red and whete hair.. boy. With Izu." I sniff, rubbing my eye.

"That sounds like Prince Shoto from the Todoroki kingdom maybe? Doesn't he have unmistakable split hair?"

"Yes. That him."

"So King Enji is Master?"

"No understand. Who?"

"It has to be him.."

"Tamaki, what is he saying? I hate not knowing English."

"He says it's his 'Master' who hurt him, I think it was King Enji from the Todoroki Kingdom.."

"Don't know who that is.. but if he has a Master he could be under orders to come here.. He is not safe."

"No, some other guy, Bakugo, was the one to leave him. He hasn't said anything about the Master besides the fact that he had hurt him." Tamaki explains, to which I nod.

"Bakugo broke promise. Hurt.."

"Okay I think that's enough for one day. What do you think Tamaki? Do you think he is dangerous to us?" Toyo asked Tamaki.

"I think he's alright.."

okay so it came to me that not many people recognized the name Toyo, or Toyomitsu. i just thought it be cuter to have people call him Toyo, but its FatGums real name.

-1353 words-

~tragedy out <3 <3

I'm Fragile - Kiribaku Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now