Ruby: Oliver? what are you doing down here and why are you hiding behind that plant?

Oliver: Pfft I wasn't hiding this plant is really cool I was just trying to get a better look at it.

Ruby: You're into plants now?

Oliver: Nah I couldn't sleep I was going to go over to the Rocky steps to clear my mind. What are you doing down here?

Ruby: I needed to get a towel my room didn't have one.

Oliver: Looks like you forgot your towel.

Ruby: I guess I did.

Oliver: Care to tell me who the guy was you kissed?

Ruby: You saw that?

Oliver: Yup, sure did. Who was it?

Ruby: Mind if I join you on your walk?

Oliver: Let's go.

I put my arm around Ruby and we walked over to the Rocky steps since it wasn't that far from our hotel. Once we got to the top we sat down and just took everything in.

Oliver: What was that all about back at the hotel?

Ruby: Remember our talk on Thanksgiving?

Oliver: Yeah, what about it?

Ruby: I lied to you about me being upset that I was single. I was just upset that I couldn't spend time with him. We've been keeping our relationship a secret for a while now.

Oliver: I see, so are you going to tell me who the guy is?

Ruby: Promise you won't say anything? We don't want to come out yet I haven't even told Liv and Sarah.

Oliver: Your secret is safe with me.

Ruby: It's Finn.

Oliver: Holy shit, I didn't see that coming at all. When did this happen?

Ruby: During the whole thing with Emma. It started out with us just talking trying to comfort each other during the hard time. Then we just got close and started getting feelings for each other and here we are.

Oliver: Well just so you know I 100% approve of this.

Ruby: Just don't tell the girls.

Oliver: I know nothing.

Ruby: So why couldn't you sleep?

Oliver: I just have a lot on my mind. I've just been thinking a lot about Gionna and I's relationship.

Ruby: Is everything okay?

Oliver: Things are going great.

Ruby: Then what's the problem?

Oliver: I feel like things are getting really serious between us. I'm meeting her mom tomorrow night. Then a while back we were babysitting Erica and we enjoyed it so much we were talking about having kids of our own. I love Gionna more than anything in this world. I've never felt like this about anyone not even Emma's mom. I'm just scared because all of this is so new to me.

Ruby: If you want my opinion, I think the two of you would be amazing parents. I saw you guys on Thanksgiving with Erica and Curt's daughter and you guys looked so happy. I don't think she's ever had a boyfriend meet her mom before and she's really close with her mom.

Oliver: That's what has me freaking out. What if her mom doesn't like me and wants her to break up with me?

Ruby: Don't think like that. You're an amazing guy and I know that her mom will love you.

Oliver: Thank you Rue, I really needed to get a lot of that off my chest. I feel a lot better now that we talked.

Ruby: You know I'm always here for you we're a squad remember that.

Oliver: I love you Ruby.

Ruby: I love you too Oliver.

*The next night*

Survivor Series just ended and I'm freaking out because in just a little bit I'll be meeting Liv's mom. We packed our stuff and then we went to the parking lot and then got on the road. We're getting closer to her mom's house.

Oliver: This is more nerve racking then any match I've ever been in.

Liv: Stop babe, she's going to love you.

Oliver: How do I look? I just want to make a good first impression.

Liv: You look fine Oliver. She already likes you after I told her everything about you.

Oliver: What should I call her? Should I call her mom or by her name?

Liv is laughing at me.

Liv: I already asked her and she said that she wants you to call her mom since we're family now.

Oliver: Well that makes me feel a little better.

Liv: We're almost there.

Oliver: I think I'm going to throw up.

Liv: Get a hold of yourself bro you've wrestled big scary guys I think you can handle my mom.

Oliver: Okay, I got this.

Liv: Good because that's her house right there.

I pull into the drive way and once we parked, I open the door to my truck and got out and I'm just standing by the truck getting myself ready. Liv comes and wraps her arms around me and then she gives me a kiss.

Liv: You ready to do this babe?

Oliver: As ready as I'll ever be.

Liv and I are holding hands as we walk to the door. She rings the doorbell and we wait. A few seconds later her mom comes to open the door.

Mom: Gionna I've missed you so much

Liv: Mom I'd like for you to meet Oliver.

Oliver: Hi Oliver, I'm mom nice to finally meet you.

Liv and her mom just look at me then look at each other then look at me again and start laughing.

Liv: He's nervous.

Oliver: I mean hi mom, I'm Oliver. Nice to finally meet you.

Her mom gives me the biggest hug ever then she invites us in to the house.

Mom: I'm sure the two of you are hungry so I saved you some dinner. Let's have a seat and we can talk while the two of you eat.

Oliver: Thanks we're both starving.

Liv: Oliver was nervous the whole ride here. He was afraid if he didn't make a good impression then you would make me break up with him

Mom: Oliver, I'd never do that. Gionna has told me so much about you and she really loves you. I loved you before I met you because of how well you treat her.

Oliver: I'm just treating her the way she deserves to be treated. I love her more than anything.

Mom: He's a keeper Gionna. I've known him for 10 minutes and he's already won me over.

After spending about an hour and a half with Liv's mom we decided to call it a night and head to the hotel.

Oliver: It was nice meeting you finally.

Mom: You too Oliver. Thank you for taking care of my daughter.

Oliver: Don't mention it.

Liv: See you worried about nothing babe.

Mom: You guys should come see me again soon.

Liv: We will.

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