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Third person pov

"Lucy!/Lulu/Lu/LUUCCCYYY-SAMAAAAA!" Everyone shouted.

"Yep, I just heard what happened-. " Lucy got cut off.

Before she could finish, everyone hugged the living daylights out of her.

"Lulu! We need to catch up and go on a shopping spree!" Evergreen exclaimed.

"Agreed! But first we need to talk about Tartaros." Lucy said.

"As I just explained, Lucy is going to be here for more defense, and to keep an eye out for trouble," Markarov started.

"But the problem is that the rest of the guild can't know who she is, and they're definitely going to get suspicious." Markarov ended.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't met the rest of the guild..." Lucy thought out loud.

"I say that we just act cool and ignore the guild when they ask who she is, and act like normal going on jobs." Laxus suggested.

"I guess we can do that, anyways now that we are done talking, GET OUT BRATS! Oh, and my beloved grand-daughter Lucy." Markarov said.

"Okay Old man, whatever you say." Laxus said sarcastically.

Lucy just chuckled.

"Welp Lu, it looks like it's time to face the guild." Evergreen said using both of her hands to cling on to Lucy's   right arm.

"Yeah, from what I heard they're really loud and destructive..." Lucy replied.

"They unfortunately are Lucy-sama." Freed said trying not to lose his cool.

" Mhm. " Was the only thing Laxus said before Bickslow opened the door to the second floor revealing all the Fairy tail members.

It suddenly went dead silent when the saw Lucy.

"Oi! Lightning head! Who's she?" Natsu asked.

Laxus didn't reply.

"Hey! Flame for brains asked a question! Answer!" Gray yelled.

Laxus still sent no reply.I

"Evergreen? Bickslow? Freed? Any of you gonna tell us?" Erza asked.

"It's none of your business who she is, stop asking." Laxus said coldly.

The Thunder Legion made made their way to the first floor, only to be greeted by two dragon slayers, one re-quip mage, and a ice make wizard.

"Just tell us who she is! It's just a simple question!" Gajeel snapped.

"Like I said, none of your business." Laxus said once again.

Laxus then pushed all four of them away, and the Thunder Legion headed for the door.

Natsu, and Gray quickly blocked the door right before they could walk out.

"Tell us who you are!" Natsu yelled at Lucy.

Laxus was about to do something, but Lucy signalled that she would take care of it.

"Can you three move? You guys are blocking the door." Lucy said in the most authoritative bored tone she could.

"Not until you tell us who you are!" Gray shouted.

Lucy sighed.

"Celestial Shadow lock." Lucy said.

Suddenly a dark shadow formed around them like vines and started choking them, for about five seconds until Lucy let go.

"Maybe that'll teach you a lesson to not get into other people's busssiness." Lucy said coldly, much resembling Laxus.

The Thunder Legion finally walked out and headed to their base, while all the other Fairy Tail members were still in shock at what had happened.

After a while, the Thunder Legion reached their base, or where Laxus, Lucy and... Let's not ruin the surprise shall we? Lives.

"Aghh, it feels good to be back, I missed this place." Lucy said.

"Yep, Sky really missed you, it's been five months since she saw you in person." Laxus replied.

"Dang, I should really come home more often. " Lucy said out loud.

Finally, they went inside.

"Hey, sky! Look who's home!" Laxus called out.

"Hmm?" "Sky" said as she turned around.

"LUCY! YOU'RE HOME!" "Sky" said in tears.

"Yup, and I get to stay here for a long time too." Lucy said as she pulled her little sister in.

"I missed you Lucy." "Sky" said muffled as her head was burried in Lucy's shoulder.

"I missed you too Wendy." Lucy said with a genuine smile.

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