Crash Pad!

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Aimes Pov.
Adam had a sprained wrist, and was definitely not allowed to play. He had to keep his arm in a sling because he was so active. Adam would skate around and help us during practices, mostly sticking around me despite dad's protests.

I was once again trying to help Luis with stopping, but he once again fell. I groaned standing up.

“Alright will someone else please be a crash pad!” I exclaimed, making the others laugh.

We were all doing our own thing.

“Good Dean! Soft hands!” my dad encouraged “Good job using you edges Connie. Aimes! Nice one! Way to take it from him!” he smiled at me.

Since Adam had to be taken out, Charlie and I were on the look for a new player, luckily, we found someone who was more than ready and willing.

“Coach! Coach!” Charlie called as we ran into my dad’s office “Okay we know with Banks out we have a roster slot open”

“Yeah?” My dad encouraged us to go on.

“You know how we always say Charlie would make a better coach than player” I smirked, my dad chuckled.

“Well the two of us did some scouting. Come on in!” Charlie called.

Russ Tyler walked into the office.

“Russ Tyler, Coach Bombay” I introduced

“Hiya coach” he smiled

Dad sighed remembering the boy from the stands.

“Russ Tyler huh? Well Russ, what can you do for the team?” dad asked, making all three of us snicker.

“You never heard of my knuckle puck?” he faked surprise

“Knuckle puck? No” my dad shook his head.

We all smirked at each other. Oh he’s in for a surprise.

We were playing against Russia again. Third period, we lead 2 to 1. I hadn’t played as much, since Adam couldn’t play. It felt weird being on the ice without him. We were currently in front of the net. Russ was open with no one near him. 

“Pass it to Russ!” I called from the bench.

Dwayne passed to him and Russ set up for his knuckle puck.

“Watch this” I mumbled to my dad

The puck wiggled through the air before nearly missing the net, but he scored. We won 3 to 1. Which meant finals with Iceland. I cheered and hugged my dad.

“Ya know it’s weird having you two on the bench so much” Averman chuckled from beside me.

I just laughed and shook my head.

We were in the dressing room when dad came in with news.

“I told him no visitors but he wanted to congratulate you anyway” dad smiled.

We looked to the door and all our mouths hung open.

“That is Wyane Gretzky,” I gawked, eyes still wide.

We all burst into a frenzy of shock, and excitement and hand shaking. We even got a picture with him! This was so amazing! God I love hockey!


Sorry for a short chapter. But thank you all so so much for 300 reads!!! Y'all are so awesome I can't thank you enough! <3 <3

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