15. Secret Surprise

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Take care my love. I miss you already! :( But yes, I will wait for you, and I think you should be the one ready when you get back. Haha!

He smiled at her reply.

As the captain finally announced that they will soon take off, he texted her one last time, to which he managed to get her reply. 


Nado saranghae.


Though Yejin managed to cope without Bin, her heart still ached for him, and her hormones just made her cry more easily. Bin would video call her, even for a few minutes at least twice a day. But it just made her miss him more.  

A week after Bin left, Yejin was just resting in her apartment and pondered about her life with Bin. The thought of moving with him to Seoul, or to wherever he would be, had actually been bugging her mind even when Bin was still with her in Houston, but she just dismissed the idea. But now, it became clearer to her that she can give up what she had started in Houston and spend her life with Bin, even when it meant she cannot continue with her planned fellowship in UTHealth and start anew in Seoul. She had to meet her dream halfway.

After mulling about it for a few more days, she decided to follow Bin to Seoul, wanting to surprise him and tell him her decision personally. After finalizing her decision, she went to their department's head and informed her about her intention to resign to go back to Seoul. She agreed for her to settle things first, allowing her to take a leave for one week and then file her resignation when she comes back. Yumi also supported her decision.


Two weeks after Bin left, it was Yejin's turn to board the plane. She just told Bin that she had an emergency operation that weekend, so she would just call him when she's free. She actually conspired with Hali for Bin's whereabouts, confirming that he would be at The Shilla Seoul for a meeting on that Sunday night. She will land at Incheon by 4 PM that Sunday and she planned to go there straight, with Hali fetching her from the airport, dropping her off at the hotel and bringing her luggage to her house for the meantime. She should be at the hotel by past 7 PM. As the captain announced that they will be landing in 30 minutes, she smiled joyfully, being able to return to Seoul after five long years. 

After passing through immigration, she checked her SNS to see Hali's message confirming her whereabouts. Her baby bump was now a little more obvious, even with the black long dress she's wearing. 

"Omo! Yejjjj!!!" She saw Hali with Choi, coming to her. Her baby bump was more obvious than Yejin's.

They hugged and touched each other's baby bump, as if introducing their babies to each other. Choi beamed at the sight of the two being so happy and pregnant at the same time. 

"Yej, you and Bin did not really want to be left behind huh?"  He said as he hugged her lightly.

"Yeah, Bin seemed to be a little competitive, eh?"  She replied.

They left the airport to send Yejin to the hotel. 


The Shilla Seoul

Yejin sat at one of the corner tables at La Yeon, a Korean restaurant in the hotel. Hali informed her that Bin has a meeting at 7 PM in that restaurant. She was able to get there by 6:40 PM and ordered a drink, and told the waiter that she was just waiting for someone and would order more later. While sipping her drink, she saw familiar faces enter the entrance door. 

Bin's noona...followed by their parents. 

They entered a private room in the restaurant. Luckily she was out of their sight. A minute later, she saw Ha-na with an older couple, who seemed to be her parents, enter the private room as well.

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