Lmao I Got Tagged Again

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So I got tagged again 😂😂😂😂here goes nothing!!

I got tagged by : @suzuii

1) I do not come from an English speaking country

2) I am obsessed with otome games

3) I drew Nezuko on my wall

4) I always forget stuff

5) I'm the mom friend of the group (it doesn't make me less chaotic)

6) I'm smol af (like smaller than Noya small)

7) I look 13 (TT - TT)

8) I don't get along that well with ppl my age

9) I'm a fujoshi (let's talk gay shipppssss!!!!)

10) I like playing instruments


I said I wanted pizza.. She said I could only have 'one piece'

Spoilerrrrrrr uhhhh

I am going to b in the Shinobu x Male Reader lemon as the reader's best friend

OOF now I gotta tag 28 ppl

Shiri-Chan96 uwanosora XxmeowchansXx ThatOneWeeb27 ItzAnimeUnicornGirl _Suneater  berna-Sari kozu-chan @kana 0-Tea-0 @l NDIRARARARAR Wattpad LuvNishiNOYEAH @kay Kay_the_warrior_

I got lazy lmfao I'm not gonna continue

kimetsu no yaiba oneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz