Chapter 20.7: The Awoken Dream to Test the Heart - Vague Orders

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Azhure: Another lore piece that you need to read. Still tied to the story.


Sometime before the First Treaty operation's final mission.

"Um..." Alicia mumbled. "Is there something you need, Amelia?"

She was just having her usual tea break with others when the maneg scientist suddenly barged into the fire chamber and dragged her into the second floor of the light chamber.

It was quite a while since Alicia last stepped foot into the place. Looking back, she was also suddenly pulled into this place by Amelia with the purpose of researching her Maneg Soul which ended badly.

"Well!? Spit it out, Evil Mad Scientist Lady!"

"Ugh!" Amelia groaned upon Voice's demand. "I can't make heads or tail out of your master!" And she pointed both arms to Alicia with open hands.

"Uhm..." Alicia mumbled, feeling awkward at the maneg scientist's foul mood. "I am sorry?"

To that end, Amelia groaned again.

"It's about your Maneg Soul or more specifically, your Vague Order," Amelia muttered to Alicia. "And to a certain extent, you," she continued, pointing her finger on Voice.

"What!?" The pixie jolted back. "Are you gonna make us lab rats again!? Didn't you learn your lesson last time!?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got really into it so sorry about that." Amelia apologized but also shrugged with a shooing hand gesture on the pixie. "Besides, aren't you satisfied with Ronald beating me up? Like, how could he commit violence against an innocent maiden like me, anyway!?"

"Not even the slightest! Besides, you ain't an innocent maiden, thot!"

"Guh!" A figurative arrow struck the Evil Mad Scientist Lady.

"Uhm..." Alicia raised her finger, trying to get their attention.

"Hm?" Amelia turned her head. "Oh right! As I said, I'm here to talk about your Vague Order."

"What about it?" Alicia innocently asked.

"It makes no sense." Amelia deadpanned.

"Huh?" Alicia blinked.

"...Are we here just so you can rant about it!?"

"Right you are," Amelia replied to the pixie. "And I also need you Catalysts for monthly maintenance, Alicia," she continued while presenting her hand for Alicia to give her Catalysts to.

"Alright then." Alicia opened her purse, pulled out her rod Catalyst, and hand it to Amelia. She also took off her necklace Catalyst and gave it the scientist too.

"Right then," Amelia said as she brought the Catalysts to her Catalyst-filled desk, where there was also a laser engraving machine to carve smaller runes. "Lemme check this for a sec-"


Then, a bright distorted glow of red and white shone from Amelia's hands holding the fire Catalyst. A snake of white and red emerged from the light, landed on the scientist's hands, and gave a hiss.

Alicia jumped and Voice jerked back when the snake Maneg Beast suddenly popped out of existence. But Amelia seemed unperturbed and more to being annoyed...





HISS she literally backhanded the snake and unleashed [Beam] on the poor critter as it fell to the floor. Looking at the dispersed amalgamation, Alicia now knew why there were so many scorch marks on the floor which also meant that this happened frequently.

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