"Don't steal my nose, you little thief!" Gabriele suddenly hissed when she suddenly grabbed his nose. "No! Nu-uh!"

Luca laughed, her laughter was sending them all in a state of happiness.

Gabriele chuckled. Oh, he chuckled. The cold hearted man just chuckled. The one who everyone thought was a scary demon man, just chuckled.

"You think that's funny, Lu? You're so mean." Gabriele pouted as Luca continued with her contagious laughter. "Bad, baby."

"Ba ba bi Boo!!" She squealed happily.

The man finally smiled at Luca and kissed her adorable button nose, it made  her blink in surprise and scrunch her nose up in an adorable way.

"Is the world finally ending?" Sydney suddenly shouted making Enzo and Pierre jump at his sudden outburst. Sydney looked around in shock as if he was making sure that the world isn't really ending. "Or maybe I'm dreaming? Is he playing with Luca just now? Is he actually being sweet? Did he actually make her laugh? Wait! Wait! I'm dreaming aren't I? This is a dream. Yeah, this is just a dream. Our Gabriele doesn't know how to smile or how to be sweet to a baby. I'm  probably just in a dream."

Pierre had to stop himself from laughing as he answered Sydney with the most monotonous tone he could ever supply for him. "No... This is reality and you're awake and pretty much experiencing what I'm experiencing."

Sydney blinked owlishly at him, his jaw ajar. "I'm experiencing a large amount of shock, a pinch of surprise and was drizzled with disgusting awe for my brother. Awe for my cold hearted, good for nothing, whiny brother, do you hear me? I'm in awe. The world is ending for me. Are you feeling that too?"

Pierre and Enzo couldn't help but burst with laughter. Of course, no one expected it and it was hilarious. A large, cold hearted man is calling a little human being by her cute nickname.

Gabriele just grumbled as his cheeks burned with embarrassment. His smile immediately turned into a scowl as he glared dangerously at the three.

"I'll cut off your tongues."

"Whatever you say, wonder boy." Sydney grinned when Gabriele grumbled.

The man turned back to teaching Luca again. He was so determined to teach Luca his name. He just wants to hear his name roll off of her tongue. Just once.

Enzo was the one to tell on him next. "Maybe teach her some other time, Gabriele, she's gonna take a nap soon."

Pierre nodded in agreement.

Gabriele glared at him. "She can do this. I know she can. She's a Cattaneo after—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he realized what he was actually about to say. Everyone seems to be in shock at this as well but he was the one feeling more surprised and at lost. Gabriele just considered Luca as a Cattaneo. After a week of trying, after trying to melt their hearts for Luca, this was the first time Gabriele actually said that out loud. Actually saying that she is a part of the family.

Now, Gabriele knows that she is slowly placing herself somewhere in his heart.

When he looked back at the three, he could see Enzo smiling so warmly at him, it was the first time Gabriele saw his big brother smile like that again, Sydney was shaking with joy and happiness and for once, Sydney was finally acting like his age again and Pierre... Pierre, the one he was rude to, the one who was patient with him as he taught him stuff about Luca, was also smiling at him. His eyes were filled with pride and tears as he smiled genuinely at Gabriele.

For the first time, Gabriele felt like he accomplished something that he wasn't able to accomplish for a long, long time.


Everyone gasped and Gabriele immediately turned to look at Luca who was smiling at him widely. She giggled when she grabbed his nose again and jumped up and down in joy.

"Gabi! Gabi! Gabi!" Luca squealed while clapping her hands. "Bava! Ba ba va!"

Gabriele couldn't  help but smile warmly at that, tears filled his eyes as he looked proudly at Luca.

"That's right, I'm Gabi. Great job, Lu. I am Gabi. Y-Your big brother... "


Ladies and jellybeans...

This story is almost at its end ^^

Brace yourselves for having to say goodbye to Luca and her family.

This is the last five years ago chapter and we're going back to the present!!

How is this chapter?

I actually rushed this and didn't have time to re-check it so I hope it doesn't look rushed and if it were then... I'm sorry!

Hope you guys enjoyed your time reading this! ♥♥

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