he takes me on an adventure

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a/n: ➡️ (it means the reply)

I wake up to the sound of someone shaking me awake.

"GO AWAY CAMERON, FIND JAZLYN TO BOTHER" I complained grabbing my blanket and putting it over my head.

"Come one girlie, we are going on an adventure," said Josh.

"Josh? Why are you even here? IT'S BLOODY SATURDAY" I groan sitting on my bed.

"Saturdays are for days of excitement not sitting in bed" he grinned pulling me out of my bed. I let him drag me and he pushed me into my closet.

"You choose my outfit, imma go brush my teeth," I said. I walked out of the door but stopped at the corner to see Josh in my room. He was scratching his neck and was staring at my closet confused. I giggled and went to the bathroom. By the time I came back, he was looking at the pieces he has chosen.

"I like this," he said giving me the clothes.

"Okay sir, out you go. I will meet you downstairs" I said pushing him out of the room. I look at the outfit he had chosen, I put them and looked at the mirror.

a/n: here's the outfit Josh picked out...

I grab my purse and head downstairs to see Josh and my brother talking

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I grab my purse and head downstairs to see Josh and my brother talking.

"You look pretty," Josh said looking me up and down. I did a little twirl and laughed.

"Y/n, you have to be back before 8 okay? Mum said so" said Cameron.

"Bye baby bro" I kissed him on the forehead and we headed out. Josh brought his car so I wouldn't have to drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he started the engine.

"You'll see" he smiled as he pulled out. I turned on the radio and "Boyfriend" by Selena Gomez played.

"I want a boyfriend" I sang.

"But I just keep hitting dead ends" sang Josh. We sang the song together and laughed when the song ended.

"So do you wanna boyfriend?" joked Josh while he put his hand in my lap and bite his lip, looking at me.

"Shut up Josh" I laughed slapping his handoff. Josh had a convertible and the top was down, his hair was messed up with the wind and the bright smile just added to his cuteness. Jesus y/n, stop crushing.

"But do you?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I do I guess" I replied running my fingers through my hair.

"We are here," he said taking a right and parking at the side of the road. We got out of the car and next to where we walked was a sign saying that trespassers will be prosecuted.

"Josh? Seriously where are we?" I asked following him down some stairs.

"Take my hand," he said. I did and landed at the end.

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