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Savannah Krystal Michaels
Saturday 1st January 2021

Savannah Krystal Michaels Saturday 1st January 20212:30pm|Crayford

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A couple of hours had flown by since the boys had left the yard. Whilst we waited for them to come back, me and Amira decided to watch some movies on Netflix to last the time. See we would've gone out but we didn't have anyone else to hang out with seeing as we were each other's only friends.  We were halfway into the third movie. At the moment we were watching To All The Boys Ive Loved Before for the third time.

"Aww they're so cute. I need a relationship like that." Amira said pouting.

"Well you would if you gave my brother a chance."

"Shut up you know why? We're not ready yet."

"Hmm, I wouldn't be able to tell. The way you guys are always in each other."

Uhhh leave me alone. Mind your business and focus on your little husband. What's going on with you guys anyways?"

"Yh he is my husband. Right now we're taking it slow, I don't want to rush into anything. But you already know the vibes." I said smiling thinking about him.

All of a sudden my Mum came storming into my room almost giving me a heart attack.

"Savannah where did Zyir and Santana go? Tell me the truth." she asked seriously

"I don't know they didn't really say i just know they were going to Plumstead to help Jayden with something they never said what." i said sitting up abruptly

"And you're telling me the truth?" she asked staring into my eyes to see if i was lying.

"Yes i'm telling the truth. I don't have a reason to laugh. Why what happened?" i said now very concerned.

"Tell me why they got arrested." she said making my heart dropped.

"Huh! For what?"

"They were charged for attempted murder. You know what i don't have even have time. Come on we're going down to the police station." almost immediately Amira and I got up putting on some shoes. I slipped my feet into my grey ugg slides and grabbed my phone and keys before we both hurriedly ran down to the car.

Once we were finally settled into the car waiting for my mum, I grabbed my phone calling Zion, who usually  was always with them. The phone kept on ringing for time but he finally picked up on the last ring.

"Yo Sav, i'm kind of busy right now what do you need?" he said out in a rush.

"San and Zyir got arrested man!"

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