Chapter 34 - Sealand's lost Hope

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He had grown so much taller. He wore a tux and his coat tails dragged along as he walked away with a blue ring on his wedding finger. and his chin was held up high. He stopped at the door.

"Go away. I do not apreciate you being here at all. You stupid alien." Sealand said as he walked out the door.


Alia stopped at the end of the table. Her head hung low and there was a sad aurora surrounding her. Many of the other micronations walked away as walked away as well. She looked up and looked around the room. Only one person was still in there. 

"Se...borga?" Alia asked. She couldn't see because of the tears that were flushing her eyes. She calmed herself and wiped away her tears. 

He walked over to her and softly hugged her. "I'm sorry." She kept repeating over and over again.

They started talking for a while. He explained to her about how everyone had lost hope of ever getting anyone back. Especially Sealand. 

Sealand had been engaged to Wy and they were soon to be married. As they took their usual strolls around they're favorite park Wy had been taken by (Y/N). It was the first day that (Y/N) had broken out of the barrier. 

No one had any idea on what to do. They tried contacting Alia many many times but the messages had never reached her in time.

"We've all been trying to solve this but there's only one way. I read it in the Library. We took refuge there  after they had taken all the nations. Many of the cities ,or as you know the nations children, refused to go in there so we lost many of them. There are now only 11. The news just came in that we lost Donna. It's sad how no one remembers they're friends or siblings after they were captured. They pretty much only remember the amount of children and the parents of each nation. " Seborga said.

"How can we save them?" Alia asked.

"We need to restart the time from the moment (Y/N) was captured. Everyone will still have been born and continue to live a normal life." Seborga said.

"What's the price? That is an extremely powerful spell."

"I don't know. The book was really old and the pages were wearing out."

"We'll figure it out. Our best bet is to try it and wait for the price."

"It requires two people however. We need to go to (y/n)'s island first. There's something there that we need."

"What is it?"


They made their way to the island on a small boat as they tried not to be noticed by using magic. Alia needed to check on everything that had been going on. She knew it was risky but they went anyway.

The weird thing about it was that there were no gaurds and the hauls were way to silent. They walked into an enourmous room. Everyone was in there. They were all placed up against the walls and there was a strange red goo surounding them holding each country in place.

She saw Canada, France, England everyone she loved except for the some of the micronations. She kept looking around. She spotted Romano, Italy, Female Germany and Female Spain. But there was something strange however. Right next to them was Seborga.

She glanced back at the person right next to her and looked back at the real seborga.

An evil laughter began to fill the room as a throne appeared on the northern wall with one person attached to the top of it. (y/n). She looked so lifeless as if every ounce of energy she had was gone.

The Seborga imposter grabbed Alia from behind and slowly changed form back into 2p!Canada.

"Good work Mattieu. Go get your brothers. It's time for a moment that i have been waiting for for so many years." The voice from the evil laughter said.

"Who are you?" Alia asked as the red goo started to surround her feet and slowly rise .

"I am (y/n)...well the bad side of her." She replied.

"Where is the good side of her???" Alia asked as the goo got higher and higher.

"I dunno. She's long lost. I just exited her body and took this form of my own with the help of magic." She replied. "It's too late now anyway. That little thing that Mattieu had told you was a lie just to get you here.  So where were you these past 390 years when all these people needed your help?"

Alia didn't reply.

"Tell me!" (y/n) said as she hit her face with a septar she had in her hand.

Alia still didn't reply.

"I guess you wanna play it that way then." (y/n) said. She grabbed Seborga from the wall and she made her way to the thrown. As she sat down she placed seborga at the end of the footing of the throne. "This is what will happen every time I don't get answers."

Seborga slowly awoke. (y/n) summond a very beautiful lush greenn looking sword. On the handle it had the name of his land. On the edge of the handle held a small jewel that were the color of his eyes. It  hung over heart. 

(y/n) had her finger up in the air and dropped it as the sword stabbed his heart. She repeated over and over. The room began to drown with cries of pain.

Alia trie to yell for her to stop but she couldn't. The red goo had finally finidhed surrounding her.

To Be Continued 

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