ARNAV: and your just telling me now

DEV: am sorry okay...

ARNAV: how come I didn't see her

DEV: you were asleep

ARNAV: why didn't you tell me this??

DEV: if your mad at me for not telling you khushi was here wait till you find out she went abroad

ARNAV: she went abroad??

DEV: I said that part out loud?? Didn't I??

ARNAV: dev

DEV: am sorry... you and i came to an understanding that you would let khushi be... and I didn't want to worsen your health which is why I didn't tell you

ARNAV: she left

DEV: she didn't leave.... you pushed her away

ARNAV: we should go

DEV: arnav

ARNAV: what??

DEV: are you okay??

ARNAV: if I wasn't, do you think the doctor would discharge me??

DEV: I don't mean physical pain

ARNAV: am about to get fake divorced by my fake wife and my real wife left me... I don't plan on using the word okay.... anytime soon

DEV: lavanya wants a divorce, why are you agreeing to this??

ARNAV: because after everything I have done to her, she deserves it... she has lived as my wife for so long... If that is going to be stripped away from then she deserves this ... I owe her that

DEV: how did you know khushi was here??

ARNAV: she left her wedding ring here.....

DEV: she dropped it???

ARNAV : she came to see me and she didn't talk to me... I don't think she dropped it... she left it here on purpose....

Mean while.....
REHAN: khushi your still here??


REHAN: why??? I thought you said as soon as you were done with eating you would go to the hospital

KHUSHI: well the food isn't reqdy

REHAN : khushi how long has it been since you put my food in the oven???

KHUSHI : I don't know, how long have you been gone??

REHAN: two hours

KHUSHI: then it's two hours

REHAN: two hours and it's not

KHUSHI: yes....

Rehan decides to go to the kitchen and khushi follows him....

REHAN: you know when you begged to assist me in the kitchen.... I knew it was a bad idea but i accepted against my better judgement and I gave you the easiest tasks of them all... and it was to put the food in the oven and wait for the beep beep...and take it out

KHUSHI: well I haven't heard it yet...

REHAN: and why would you?? Look at the oven

KHUSHI: I knew it it's damaged

REHAN: it's not on khushi... and why isn't it on.... you didn't turn it on....i want to say you forgot but your record shows you can't anything

KHUSHI: that's not true there are plenty of things I can cook

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