• George Weasley 💗💗💗• My Perfect Prankster •

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All week, you had been showing everyone pictures of Eminem and then a picture of Malfoy. People were completely shocked by the likeness between the two. But one thing was needed. Draco+Buzz-cut=Eminem. The perfect crime. Like I said, the likeness; it's surreal.

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You had spread the word that everyone was to meet in the Great Hall at Breakfast on Monday to see Draco's new look

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You had spread the word that everyone was to meet in the Great Hall at Breakfast on Monday to see Draco's new look.

So, on Sunday, you had been granted access to the Slytherin Common Room via Harry speaking Parseltounge to the boulder while you two were under his Invisibility Cloak. You cast a Disillusionment Charm on yourself and told Harry to wait in the empty Common Room with the cloak.

Sneaking into Draco's dorm was a breeze.

Once you were in, you pulled your wand and muttered a spell. Slowly, Malfoy's hair began to thin and retreat into his scalp. Clamping a hand your hand over your mouth, you sneaked out of the dormitory. You undid the spell and slipped under the Cloak with Harry. The two of you sneaked out of the Common Room. It was one o'clock and everyone was in bed. You had Harry whipped off the Cloak and ran down the corridor laughing.


The next morning, you and the girls dressed at super sonic speed. (Get me? Get me? no? ok). You raced down the stairs, giggling, and ran into the packed Hall. Luckily, Draco and his new buzz-cut hadn't arrived yet (he always arrives late because he thinks he's a king and needs all eyes on him). You slid into the empty seat next to your boyfriend, George Weasley. He slung an arm round your waist and pressed a kiss to your lips while you grinned at him.

"Ready?" you ask.

"Always," he replies.

The doors push open. It's as if a silencing charm is cast on the hall as everyone stands up in anticipation, adrenaline coursing and rippling through the hall. Draco Malfoy comes through, a beanie pulled down over ears.

"Shit... should've seen this coming," you muttered. Everyone sits back down, grumbling. You stand up and all heads turn to you.

"ACCIO MALFOY'S BEANIE!" you yell. His hat comes flying to you and he is left with his buzz-cut, standing shocked infront of the school.

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