chapter 10

205 33 37

Next day....

Gauri called Om...

O: hello..monku... How are you?

She rolled her eyes... (in pov)  monku is your woodbe wife...

O: hey... Hello

Gauri came to sense...

G: (worried)  hello.. Om.  Where are you?... I want to meet you..

O: hmm.. Something smell fishy... Are you cooking anything against me?

G: Haa.. I know.. You will ask it... (fake cry)  I think you are my good friend.. That's why I called you.. Bye..

O: array wait... Tell me the matter..

G: I can't say it through phone... Pls come here..

O: where yaar..

G: at MNO shopping complex...

O: Haa.. I'll be there in 2 minutes...

G: OK...

She cut the call... And waits.. Omkara go come....
When she saw he is coming... She fakes she is in sad.. 😔

O: hey monku.... Hua Kya hey?

G: you know my friend Sandeep  ryt?

O: haa

G: see he is very sad with his girlfriend....

She points sandy who is following a girl...

O: but why?

G: yesterday  she become unconscious from coming back from college... The doctor says.. She has blood cancer.

O: tho?

G: she is avoiding sandy purposefully...

They turned to sandy...

At sandy...

S: Ms.  Will you tell me the price of  oil?

L: what?  Are you mad? Get lost...

He pretends like he is crying...

G: see... I can't see my best friend in this stage om... ..

O: hmm... (he asked mockingly ) where is the camera?

G: (shockingly and crying)  if you can help me.. Pls help otherwise  go from here....

She turned her back to Om... And smiled sheeply...

O: OK.. OK.. I  believe... But.. But how can I help you..

G: (turns back)  just convince her Om..

O: but Ri.. I don't know her personally...

When he called her RI she feels spacial...
He waved at her...

O: hey where are you lost?

G: nothing.... I know I'm you don't know her... But you know her father...

O: how?

G: she is daughter of your senior officer Chakrapani...

O: (shoked😲 ) what?

G: yes... That's why I called you..

She evily smiled in mind...

O: OK ...i will try....

By saying this  he went near to that girl...

(finally  he got trapped in  Gauri's  web😆)

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