"harper, you are coming with me. you will be with me everyday of the tour" i say excitedly only to receive an opposite reaction.

"billie. i'll still have a month of school" she says completely wiping the smile off my face.

"can't you just miss it? it's one month? plus your a senior it doesn't matter anyway" i say trying to convince her to come.

"billie a month is a long time, i still have finals, the last month for seniors is you know kind of a big deal, and i'd also have to miss graduation which my parents would just not let that happen. listen i would much rather tour with you than go to school but i just can't" harper says and i can tell she was actually sad about not being able to come with.

she was right though. she was graduating and everything and that's not something you can just miss.

there was a moment of silence on the line as i just sat there staring at my wall.

"you there?" her voice says.

"yeah" i say dryly still taking it all in.

"i just really don't want to be away from you for a month and a half" i say thinking about how being away just for a day is hard enough.

"what day do you leave?"

"uh, may 2nd" i reply.

"so you will be here on your birthday! that's good news" she says trying to cheer me up.

"i guess" i mumble not wanting to believe shes not coming.

look i'm still excited for the tour i was just really really excited to have harper by my side for it all to. i wanted my first time experiencing tour to be with my girlfriend.

"listen, we have the next two weeks to spend together so let's make this time count and worry about tour when the time comes alright?" her voice says which was a little comforting.

"yeah s-sure" i reply as a tear drips down my face.

"is the billie eilish crying?" harper says in her best interviewer voice which makes me laugh.

"nah, that shit is soft" i say lying.

"yeah because you are just the complete opposite of soft huh?"

she always knows what to say and when to say things. i don't know how she does it but she just makes me feel like everything's okay.

"come over tomorrow after school" i say needing to see her. "i miss you"

"i'll think about it" she says which makes me roll my eyes instantly. even though i know she's joking she still gets under my skin.

"you are coming" i say

"in which way because lik-"

"i swear to god i'm going to kill you"

"i wouldn't mind" she says laughing at herself

"you are so immature" i say really having no room to talk.

"but you still wanna kiss me" harper replies making me laugh.

taste // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now