I creaked open my door and saw it was mostly dark, except for the TV playing downstairs. I made the decision and walked up to Colton's door, listening in. I heard him talking to him on the phone to someone... Ew... Wait he was totally talking to a girl. It was so disturbing to listen to it almost made me more angry. I was not walking in there while he was talking like that, no fucking way. I heard a laugh from downstairs and jumped a little, it was Zack watching his stupid family guy reruns, and of course I heard Liam making fun of him... That only left Jax.

I gulped and walked to his door. I knocked once and he said to come in, unaware of whoever it was. He was writing something down on a notebook when I walked in, trying not to storm while I was suffering from my rage. He looked up at me and then back down to his notes.

"Ryann... What are you doing out of your room?" He asked, sounding exhausted. I sighed loudly.

"Well I was given an assignment by the lovely Liam that I will be unable to complete. So, I thought one of you should know that. Thanks. Have a great day." I began to stomp out when he stood up and stopped me. I turned waiting for his fight.

"You sound rather sassy for someone who is treading on thin ice." He stated, scolding me. I ran a hand through my hair frustrated.

"Well?! I cannot believe you guys want me to write this man a letter. Who do you think I am? Mother Teresa? None of you want to hear about him hating me, fine. Fine. But I dont forget it, I see it everyday, it is weird and creepy and I will not apologize to that freak." My face was growing more red, and I was bending my knees as if I was physically fighting someone. Jax's face grew grim, more stone like. I tried to remain strong but his face was scaring me... No, rage don't leave me now.

"Listen to me. You are clearly very upset about this teacher of yours, I get it, but it is a punishment. It is meant to make you face your pride head on, and deal with it." I whimpered. Literally, whimpered. My rage was gone and in its place was just a red, sweaty, baby who had just gotten her favorite toy taken away. This letter took my pride away and I was dreading giving it to Mr. Miller. At least someone who deserves it should get my favorite toy. I groaned, putting my face in my hands to avoid having him see me cry.

"The sooner you get it done, the less you have to think about it." He said going back to his book. I wasn't done yet.

"I am going to prove it to all of you... I will write this bogus letter, which will be written perfectly so he gets no pleasure in my apology. The sick man would too, Jax. I am telling you all, your sister has gone full detective." I sniffled and he tried to tell me something but I was already in my room.

I sat down at my desk and wrote, harshly, almost breaking my pencil in half.

Dear Mr. Miller,

I want to apologize for writing moody Mr. Miller on your whiteboard in front of the whole class. I didn't mean to embarrass you or create any distractions from the chemistry lesson you were trying to teach. When you had called on me out of the blue and in front of everyone, I was unsure what to do, and did not know the answer to your question and as I stated, I did not do the homework beforehand and so was not prepared to write the answer on the whiteboard. This is why I did not know what to write on the board, which resulted in my detention. I truly did not mean to hurt your feelings or disrespect you as my teacher and an adult. Sometimes I forget that teachers are allowed to belittle and embarrass their students as we are young and deserve it once in a while. I have learned my lesson sir and thank you for showing me how to behave and act in class.

Sincerely, Ryann Taylor

I looked over my letter, laughing at the sarcasm and the underlying meaning of every word I wrote. He truly has taught me a lesson... He assumes no one will believe me when I state how much he hates me. He assumes no one will know. Well get ready moody monster, here detective Ryann comes.

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